Chicken of the Cave

Goodell: You call that mailing it in?!? Check this out.

Dumbest flag I have ever seen for taunting, let the dude have his moment

You know what? If they were just honest, and said "What Adrian Peterson did was terrible. We've talked with him, and he understands why what he did was unacceptable, and he agrees that he won't do it again. He understands why we need to suspend him for [x] number of games. However, he's never caused a distraction

Welcome to Sauron Hotel, where we only watch you some of the time. Note: Dark Lord Sauron's army are guests of the country and not slave labor, well technically they are, we just don't see it that way.

Presumably, he's already well-versed in faking injury.

Actually I didn't. I was happy to hear he was fired after the allegations came out, and so were the vast majority of my friends from PSU. To reference your own article, there were 2,000 students (approximately) that showed up to protest Paterno's firing. There are over 45,000 students at University Park, making the

When were the fans ever not concerned? It was a horrific wrong committed by Graham Spanier and the other 2 douchebags that allowed that monster to go free for so long.

You're cheering a man being seriously injured under the guise of moral superiority, just to let you know.

You came to a dick joke blog for sports coverage?

Listen, last month you overhauled your entire comment system to prevent people from posting stomach-churning images of overweight whores shoveling a bunch of diarrhea into their mouths, and now you're doing it yourselves? Make up your mind!

When Olive Garden goes away, what will become the new "chain restaurant to shit on?"

Now playing

Chappelle said it best, look even he has a copy of the tape.

I'm all right with Pizza. Seems like legitimate contrition.

So it's less that they planned it and more that they got REALLY lucky.

You think a 13-year-old's going to be convinced in a phone call to make a major decision four years from now?

I think he was just scared that finger gun was real

In related news, Giants fans mourn the passing of Eli Manning.

"The Meaning of Sports," by Michael Mandelbaum. Analyzes why the United States is the world's most athletics-obsessed nation.

"Good effort, but you need to blame everyone for being racist bigots on your way out."