chicken flava

Dude looks like "The Crusher" from Bugs Bunny.

I'd figured the conversations at Deadspin HQ mostly revolved around how soon you had to wait until you could fuck with the page design again.

"No, it's not windy!"

Who's next to join the Kiss My Ass club?

The NFL's decision makes more sense when you consider what Riley Cooper has been wearing...

Todd Haley clubs baby seals using other baby seals

Pictured: The first four victims in happier times.

Be kind of cool to buy it and move to Baltimore for new beginnings

Pool basketball videos are the white man's WorldStar.

My dad's a doctor, and when we were kids, we were on a 3 hour flight and they made that call. He got up and went to the front, and he ended up having to sit next to a dead person for over an hour.

Ruining a 300? The guy in charge of the pinsetter must have been Zack Snyder.

Actually, in English, it's super embarrassing for a site that used to have excellent commenting standards to be associated with this lazy, hackneyed, offensive garbage.

Doc Ellis, who substituted a regulation game ball with a rainbow-colored octopus that shot a trail of stars out of its butt on every pitch.

Cop: Okay, we're going to need a thumb print.

Despite his smug bombast, user Patriots2007 only went 18-1.