
The GOP senators and Trump literally do not care. They don’t care whether you live or die, they don’t care if you have health insurance or not, they don’t care how mad it makes you, and they don’t even really care about reelection, because they know they can lie and cheat and steal and gerrymander the shit out of the

Awesome. Cheets is fucking with transgender folk in the military so we can take our eyes off the Russia ball.

Well, if McCain is pissed off about this transgender ban I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before he continues voting for it along party lines.

I’m so done with McCain’s shit. He hems and haws and does all this grandstanding, and then votes exactly as you would expect him to despite his protestations. Fuck him.

He sounds like the product of an educational system that revises textbooks to reflect that dinosaurs were on Noah’s ark.

It will be interesting to see how BM reacts when Trump starts implementing his planned slashing of TRICare.

The old program. Hah.

You’re giving him too much credit to ask that, even in jest. This isn’t about him not caring or being personally biased or catering to anyone. This is about propaganda, pure and simple. And I know you know all of this - I’m not trying to be pedantic - I just wish we could all start calling this what it really is. The

Because America is about choice, dammit!! They reserve the right to choose to be an ignorant dunce and they shouldn’t be forced into buying something they’ll never (not!) use! Sky-high, ridiculously expensive healthcare that only a few privileged people can afford is as American as apple pie! FREEEEEDOM!!!

I’ll join in.

Mary, school nurse in Indiana: Caught her breast cancer early because she could afford to get regular mammograms

Anyone here been to Barbados? My best friend and I are going in September, so I’m looking for recommendations, tips, etc. Any must sees, must dos, and most importantly, must eats?

He does this everywhere. Ignore him. The thread just about this one is full of it too. He literally copied that same comment from the previous thread. Dude has one axe, and all he does is grind away.

Clearly you’ve never had sex with Sting.

Why is sick in quotes? Why is anything anymore? Can we be done with this whole thing now?

You almost can’t blame them. Go to right now and you will find zero stories on the front page posted today about the fact that the healthcare repeal died today. They are literally being spoon feed a separate reality. It’s practically cultish.

Its quite frightening. I’m left at a loss for words with the realization that we may be literally starting a post-truth society.

Steve Bannon reportedly called Paul Ryan “a limp-dick motherfucker who was born in a petri dish at the Heritage Foundation,”

20$ says the dems lose more seats than they win.