
There is a lot more to the ACA than the marketplace insurance. The vast majority of people I have signed up are not getting insurance in name only. The premiums and deductibles are reasonable. They also get free preventive services, birth control with no deductible, no life time caps, and a maximum they will pay out

I wanted to go, then planned to go to the on in my city. I helped in the planning here, but can’t go because I have to work. I will be helping people enroll in health insurance while they still can, so adding to the people who will be hurt by this administration. Which is good, everything they do should come with a

As fuck.

To add some commiseration, my husband think to get me a gift so he bought me the flowers they sold at graduation (he was even happy to tell me he haggled and got them cheaper). My two older sisters who earned degrees were thrown big surprise parties and I didn’t get one for my undergrad or grad school graduation. So I

Oh that sucks. I’m sorry. It is a big deal. I’m proud of you.

I haven’t, finals are next week. That is another reason I haven’t contacted him. I do not want to give him opportunity to say I was biased in grading due to this

I will look into that. I believe the person setting it up has the go ahead for these things due to her position but I will make absolute sure.

Oh I want to contact him, but I have not. I was waiting for guidance from my course director, but since that seems to be file intended f for fuck it I need to do something else. He will probably be contacted by the news outlet so I kind of feel like that’s better than me giving him a heads up.

I just got Rules for Revolutionaries and can’t wait to learn how to be effective at fighting the madness that is coming

I wrote in last night about a student tweeting out a faked email exchange between the two of us. In the fabricated exchange he asked for extra credit in a clever (it wasn’t) way and I responded awarding the entire class 20 extra points because he made me laugh. The tweet was picked up and reported on by a website and

It was on Cosmo?! That isn’t the site I saw it on! What a mess. I will have to look for it. I like your idea though

It is still out there in the article. I thought about contacting them too, but was unsure since I don’t know if that would somehow make it worse. I don’t want to be too reactionary.

Very true, since my other job is attached to the ACA I would hate to lose it both sources of income soon.

I have no idea since I was basically told to document it in case, but to not say anything. I’m going to think about what I want to say to my bosses over the weekend so I can send the correct message about this mess. I’m not happy with shutting up about it. It is my name out there, not the department. It is my

The person may be a recent grad, but my impression was she isn’t a student worker. It also wasn’t just a retweet. Some little website wrote a story about the tweet and that is what was shared on Facebook by the school. I looked at the tweet on Twitter and saw all of the retweets and favorites on there, along with tons

No one contacted me. When my friend (who is a professor) called the communications office the person who shared the article said she didn’t even think to verify it, and would do that in the future. I guess since he tweeted it out and the article was from his tweets they thought it was acceptable. I’m anticipating at

Unfortunately my typing was so horrendous it probably too, several tries to make sense of that mess. Thanks for hanging in there, wish I could edit it.

I have no idea. The university shared the article written about the tweet that showed the tweets and screenshots. The screenshot showed the email address that was supposed to be mine as well. Which makes it easy to prove it didn’t happen. I can think of no reason for someone from the school to share it, especially in

I’m an adjunct instructor at a state university. Today the university page shared a “new” article with the caption “it never hurts to try” the picture was one of my students so I clicked the link. The story was about a tweet he sent out with screen shots of an email he supposedly sent to me asking for extra credit in

It was a stranger and normally I wouldn’t have been talking politics, but it was at a watch party when she accepted the nomination and I couldn’t listen to him talk about how stupid it was to nominate her off Bernie any longer. So I said people who won’t vote for a woman won’t vote for a “socialist Jew”. He was an