
Oh it got bananas. People were contacting employers of others, doxxing peopele, threatening to post crime scene and autopsy photos, and other crazy stuff. I just skimmed and pretty infrequently once it got ridiculous so I’m sure there is more. There is also some Reddit specific rule breaking and mayhem I never

That maybe, it's really the first experience I had with Reddit and I haven't strayed much to other subs. Once the bickering starts I'm done. It isn't even entertaining bickering, just full on douche-a-rama.

I read her saying she didn’t want to go there was an exaggerated claim, and basically she said he was gross. Also that he always used *67 because he wanted to remain private after all that happened. I think most of the salacious stuff they left out articles are coming from Kratz, and he is a loon. I also read sweat

Personally, I think there are other options than Avery did it or the cops did it. I think his brother(s) and that other guy who worked there and I think married Stevens first wife, deserved some scrutiny. Could be they did it and got lucky when the cops took the opportunity to make sure Steven took the fall for it.

That sub got ugly quickly. I look on occasion and same people having the same fights. It's very odd to me.

Just wanted to offer solidarity, as I am similarly afflicted. The jury stuff is concerning to say the least.mimunderstand the reasoning from the lawyers about not moving the trial, since they thought the people who knew the history may be more understanding. I can’t imagine being in the jury, I would be afraid to

That's interesting, especially about the ability to sue the parents. It's a good take on this mess.

Me too. My friend called it rape long before I was comfortable enough to say that was what happened. She was right, I wanted to feel like it was on me, because then I still had control. Truth is I didn’t. I had passed out and thrown up on myself when the two much older guys woke me up and treated me horribly. I was a

I think that is why teachers tend to like nontradional students. They have a purpose. I know when I went back I was in my 30’s, and went because I had three kids to support. My circumstances had changed, and I knew their father would never be able to provide financial support so it was going to be on me. It was a

That makes sense. It is very research oriented, which is a good skill. I think most people have a very different idea of college debates than what is the reality of it. I know I did.

I don’t know about debate when he was involved, or which type he participated in during college, but I judged a debate tournament for college kids last year and was stunned. It wasn’t them coming up with arguments on the spot. They have one topic they debate the entire season. They have files full of arguments and

Well good job being here to comment. I may have landed in prison for my reaction to that.

Part of the assignment was writing a short paper saying what everyone did so that we could grade accordingly. I told them that was their recourse if someone didn't do their share. I've had experience similar to yours and don't want others getting a grade for work they didn't do, if I can help it.

The worst offender may have gotten points for their work, but not enough to help him pass. Turns out you don't get points for assignments copied straight from Wikipedia.

The group project in the class I teach was due last week. The only students coming to ask if a group member dropped the class because there was no response to trying to settings to meet were my women students. The no shows, all guys. Yet the women still wrote the men participated on their reports. I wanted to shout

I worked two Thnaksgivings when I was a server. We were dead. The second one I left my family dinner early to go in and was immediately sent home. The first one nearly ended in a rage stroke when one of my two tables stiffed me, for no fucking reason. They got prompt service and plenty of attention since they were the

I think the hair thing is because that is he way the leader of the quiver full movement says women should wear their hair. Every little thing is dictated to women in that cult.

Same thing happened to me when my dad took me to see Biloxi Blues. They went to the brothel and my dad noped us outta there post haste.

Omg! My neighbors had a bossy ginger grandson named Kyle. I hated that mean little fucker so much so that to this day the name is tainted and I sincerely doubt any Kyle is a decent human.