Chick Counterfly

Eh the second I saw this posted I ran to Target, Best Buy, and two Gamestops in my area. All ran out within 15mins of opening :(

The blame seems to rest on 3 parties. The companies that lobby for such laws, the politicians who enact such laws and the police who enforce them.

What’s heavenly is those short shorts. Rawr!

First Reasonable Discussions end for no reason, then the comments section being fucked up, and now the end of Wiki Wormhole?

Saint Elsewhere had an interesting finale. It was an MTM production. Also tear jerking was the end episode of the Mary Tyler Moore Show.

Funny enough, the series finale of The Promised Neverland just aired on Toonami less than an hour ago. And it was complete shit. As if condensing 140-some chapters into 11 episodes was bad enough, the last 15 minutes set up a plotline that could have easily been its own season unto itself, only to literally pass it by

So anyway, fuck Jim Spanfeller. 



You’ve just described bread and circuses to nerds.

Thank you for sharing this. 

BUT... he never felt lonely. From his absolutely phenomenal book, Carrying The Fire, which I read as a NASA-obsessed kid and still own dog-eared on a bookshelf:

Frank Drebin, Grammar Squad. Shouldn’t it be:

That’s why I was confused, you can’t feed that many normal berries, so are there really people with that many golden raspberries?  Did the dupe them or something?

I mentioned this elsewhere, but I think they changed stuff in reshoots. Bucky acts like Karli’s never killed anyone intentionally in the finale even though she blew up a building. This only makes sense if she didn’t originally set off that bomb in Episode 3.

I watched Infinity War two nights ago (not even sure, it just put it on and then... well, suddenly it was over and it was 2am).

I made a post on FB asking anyone who had joined Parler to post their handle.  I then unfollowed everyone who did and my timeline is actually worth checking on again.