Chick Counterfly

I like how all the Paragons from people we know from Arrowverse show are the women leading their respective shows - Kara, Kate and Sara.

Just to clarify a few minor, pedantic points.

Let’s all just remember that Anovos loves to sell things they never actually produce, so buyer beware.

[...] The Americans or Halt and Catch Fire. And all these shows, Thrones included, now come with not just the idea that these stories cannot be missed, but must be experienced “pure”

This story made my day!

Mark Hamill as The Joker showing up in the Crisis would be delightful & huge 

games have a defined memory space that can be easily trawled through, especially for older games, cancer is essentially infinite and always evolving

did you really compare a manmade devtest room to cancer

It’s popular opinion, but wow did Pesci steal the show for me in Irishman...

This is a needlessly hostile response here.

I think a main point of the Rosa Parks and Partition episodes were that the time/alien were just there. The real evil and ugliness came from people of the time.

If you’re referring to “It’s ok that you’re here.” “Did she do that to us?” then yes, I also have watched just that line about 50 times now.

I think she is cloning people, so Angela can live a new life without a bad past as a clone. Cloning seems a lot more probable than time travel or VR and China has cloned primates, so humans are not far off.

Just wait until they reveal Section 66...

I’m waiting for his venue or his ticket vendor to take him to court for imposing conditions on a customer beyond the purchase agreement after money has changed hands.

“Find the facts. Be a journalist.”

The board is now twice as long, with 66 properties in total that must all be purchased before the game comes to an end. Monopoly Longest Game Ever, available now for $20, also only includes one die, so moving around the board is agonizingly slow

Pedro Pascal justified every penny he charged with his delivery of “it would” alone.

Prime dating age is bullshit as was pointed out. I felt the exact same way as number 1 when I turned 30 and just got out of a shitty 6 year relationship. Infact I felt it for about 5 years after. Depressed, apathetic to dating cause I lost my 20's and so much wasted time. Avoided eye contact with women much less