Chick Counterfly

Honestly, I loved season 2 of Westworld and Legion. I thought they were high points to each series. I get why people didn’t like them or were offended by certain things in the show and harbor no condescension about it - they are legit complaints. But the issues that caused those reactions seemed organically part of the

I really want to do the math on that last one to see if it is true in general...

RE your point 1: for the BBC they specifically can’t, several years back the BBC introduced a policy that banned any programme from having an all male cast/production team.

You probably live near or you’re related to people who dispose of dead bodies often.

... I'm gonna guess this is more of a common stunt coordinator thing

Great post. Was about to write something similar myself until I read your post. My take is The Shining is truly terrifying to people who’ve witnessed psychotic illness up close and personal. Also, and to a lesser extent people who have claustrophobia. Both boxes ticked for me so this film is possibly the most

My dad’s breakdown was precipitated with a dinner table monologue that in any other context was probably hilarious. The screaming and violence followed. Saw SHINING two years later and it’s always stuck deep for me.

That’s an interesting take on in. The Shining is the scariest movie ever to me, but my own father struggled with mental illness until he was eventually involuntarily committed.

For all his tantrums, for all the violence, for all the torture he put my family through, his insanity eventually only destroyed him.

Taken out

About that study...

They’re processing the onboard footage now, so I’ll post HTF soon!!!

Allow me to clarify: “photorealistic” CGI sets. I think the reason why the Marvel movies work is that they have a great deal of unreality to them, and the movies have embraced that. Whereas the DC movies still aim for a gritty, “realistic” aesthetic and as a result are a glaucoma-like experience. The new Star Wars

All we know about Picard’s career from the shows/movies is that he stayed in command of the Enterprise at least through Star Trek: Nemesis (8 years after his conversation with Kirk). Whether he stayed because of Kirk’s advice or not is up in the air. The only other clue we have is that alternate future in “All Good

I’m sure the vast majority of people watching it didn’t know the story from the comics, but I do find it funny that they’re talking about all this secrecy when it’s taking inspiration from a much older story! As soon as the trailer was released where Gamora said Thanos wanted to kill half the universe (the same

Ok, you guys convinced me. I still miss the Hamon, but I'll admit Stands allow for more absurdity and experimentation. And sorry for forgetting Polnareff. 

The scene from the first Civil War comic that inspired it is just as great.