Chick Counterfly

I’m fairly certain that soccer in Europe is what Americans call football. So, to use British terminology, he’s probably just some punter.

I was thinking we were going to see short shorts:

It can make you gag.

... this guy?

Either that or saying something suave as the new spokesperson for Old Spice.

How did you get my cat?!?

Yeah, I did a lot of “running away from bears” when I lived there.

I was going to give you a cat picture, but you deserve something more special.

This is backwards, and there is a mathematical proof that shows this to be fact.

Awesome! I knew of that, but didn’t know I had it on there.

I still have my copy of “New Hope” taped from TV in the early ‘80's. We kids used to watch it on long road trips using a crazy rig in the back of an ‘83 Suburban while the parents drove.

I read that as “menstruation stigmata,” which didn’t make sense at first, then briefly did make sense, then didn’t again, and now I’m just writing it our here because WTFN.

You woke me right up!

They had to know. What a different and strange era. I don’t think that would fly a decade earlier or today.

To quote (and use a picture from) Wikipedia:

Out of all of it, the only thing that makes me happy that they’re going back to the original numbering on Detective and Action. I know they’re just doing it so that they can make a big deal out of those books hitting the 1000 issue mark (for the PR and to charge $7.99-$9.99).

There was nothing fun about this beg.

It’s been a consistent problem this season. I lost count of how many games were first half blowouts just like this, and then the second half is just them trying to hold onto the lead, either not scoring at all or just barely scoring.

I’ll be so pissed if they play the Panthers and pull this kind of amaze on them to get back to the SB. So. Pissed.