Suddenly, everything makes more sense.
The question is really why people wear “normal” rings in the first place. It’s jewelry, and so I would surmise that people wear them as fashion statements, to use style in order to make some sort of personal identity comment non-verbally. That’s the feeling I get, for example, when I see a man wearing a pinky ring.…
A straightforward cause-and-effect can’t be proven, but there are studies showing correlation. Essentially certain people are predisposed to developing schizophrenia (and other mental health issues) during their lifetimes. Use of powerful hallucinogens can cause these individuals to prematurely develop schizophrenia.…
I’ve heard of ice cream giving some people explosive diarrhea...
Aw, you didn’t mention the puppet show Deadite Amanda put on with the two dead hikers! That was the funniest/most disturbing part of the episode.
There’s a very good argument to be made that the mystery character that everyone thinks is Beta Ray Bill imprisoned by the Collector:
There’s a good argument that this mystery person is actually “The Toxic Avenger” from the old Troma movies. The head is the right shape, and that looks like a mop that he’s holding. James Gunn got his start in the business over at Troma. And Marvel did run a “Toxic Avenger” comic book series for 11 issues in the…
Talk about “naked lunch.” Ugh.
That’s one of the strange things about money: no matter how much you have, it’s never quite enough. There are some people who prove to be exceptions to this rule, but it’s refreshing in a way to hear it come from the likes of an actor like Tom Hardy.
The great thing about this show is that it is in many ways an updated version of Sartre’s No Exit. Instead of a locked room where the people are unable to leave, the show updates the premise to a more current prevalent fear: that of an apocalyptic event only leaving behind some 7-8 survivors in a wasteland. Both are…
Given the dialogue, it does sound like he has no idea where it will end up landing without the help of ground control, but I imagine he has it at least set to land in a specific location.
The bridge on naval vessels is set between about half way to one third of the way from the front of the ship (which you can see in the above example).
This is a good story that Lin tells, but it is misleading. The story is really about how the socio-economic conditions he experienced as a child. The “Star Trek” thing is completely secondary.
Hey, Nicole! Been a while of while. Good thought.
This is wild and exactly my expectations. On and off over the last few years, I’ve argued that Newt and Hicks in some manner should have survived. One example is simply that (at least in comic book form) The Doctor popped in with the Tardis and rescued them from the stasis pods because of how pointless their…
There’s a terrifying problem here: latex gloves and latex allergies. My father, sister, and myself all have latex allergies. Allergy as in: the eyes and throat swell shut, require the use of an epipen, and going to the hospital.
I’m not sure I have reason to trust Rowling as a screenwriter. Writing for different media is always a different beast, even if a writer is talented in more than one medium.
I got these at the school book fair around the same age and loved them. Those covers are so iconic to me that you brought a lot of great memories rushing to the present.I don’t remember if I was as scared as you were, so I’m probably just blocking that part from my memory. I think I did read them at night, something…
The first movie I walked out of was “Little Shop of Horrors.” It was PG, and I was 6, and that did not jive well at all. I didn’t cry or fuss, just told my parents, “No, not this shit. I’m 6.”