Having close elderly family, and sticking through thick and then with them, for them, be it in the hard rounds or the good times, those “bounce back” times, they do it because they want you to have the best life, not just now, but in your future.
Having close elderly family, and sticking through thick and then with them, for them, be it in the hard rounds or the good times, those “bounce back” times, they do it because they want you to have the best life, not just now, but in your future.
I don’t think it’s mushrooms. It’s bacteria and viruses.
(We are all nerds here, what with io9 and all. I think!)
First thought on your plan: this needs to become a novel. You have the structure, language, and prose to construct one excellently. It reminds me of that great Neal Stephenson interview in which he lamented that the current trend in science fiction writers is mired in apocalypse. He said that science fiction writers…
Melancholy is the spice of life! I’m about to read your linked post. Sorry about the kinja error. It’s further down. So far I like the cut of your jib. And your hair.
A quick addendum:
(Kinja accident. Addendum reply below. Sorry.)
Sanity and existential crises are inextricably linked. It appears that the problems you mention (and carry the weight of the earth) are currently impossible to change. It’s a massive dilemma and global delusion. When you know that the status quo is enforced by an unstoppable military, what can you the individual do?
Very thoughtful are researched article! This is the first great piece I’ve read taking existentialism thoroughly into the psycho-analytics realm.
Ria, would you be kind enough to ungrey me? Pretty, pretty please?
I shouldn’t know this, but I do. Dear god, I do. That was actually a back-door pilot for NCIS on JAG. It was the pilot before the series pilot of NCIS. I have to go shame drink or something now.
This is, without a doubt, the most Bones has been discussed in several if not all the years.
Yes. Yes. Yes. You are.
He’s Lemongrab on Adventure Time.
I don’t want to sleep tonight, so could you share the “1930’s children’s halloween masks” terror with some links or info?
Her range gives her that ability, so I’ve secretly been hoping that McCarthy’s role would be analagous to Akroyd’s.
I finally got around to watching The Heat and found myself impressed with her work and timing, especially contrasted with her enjoyable work in St. Vincent, which is the only other movie of hers that I have seen. I plan to eventually see Spy, but probably not in the theater.
Another fact: Originally the CG shark looked way too good according to Zemeckis, so they had the designer make a blockier version, that one, the one we see in the film. A big reason for this was because they found the blockier version not just more realistic for the technology but because they all found it utterly…
The reviews for the headphones are not for the headphones:
The reviews for the headphones are not for the headphones:
Intelligent and enjoyable ESPN interview with him.