
Kinda nice? Which 'celebrity' are we talking about here?

apologize is normally spelled with a z

However, my understanding was not that the surrogacy was illegal the way they did it, but that had they chosen a surrogate in Australia, that would have been illegal.

She may even be listed on the birth certificate

Its not the sign that's meant for you...

Rape culture needs to be crushed, but in the meantime, definitely do your best not to make it easier for the rapists.

Think beyond the father and consider, perhaps, the child and the mother as separate beings with their own worth. Good news that there are people out there who can only reference them in terms of potential paedophilia though. You're a gem.

since the pedophile prefers girls.

The son's probably better off.

date? your grandad? you intended this to go where?

Please don't tell me anyone could be so inspired by that insipid rubbish they would be moved to get a tattoo.

and why did they wait for a mother to come up with the idea? They don't have a marketing dept, a design dept or even a finance dept?

So you were trying to be chivalrous? roflmfao

You're choosing your facts very carefully. By your math, that is 84,000 REPORTED rapes per year.

I can tell that you are a beautiful, intelligent person who deserves respect and, above all, to be listened to instead of having a man dictate your personal story.

Thats getting off too easy. Have someone do to him what he did to her (hes got the same orifice after all) and let him live with his whole high school knowing he got his fudge packed. Now thats justice.

Even though you think it might make you feel better, its often the case that those who have been hurt go on to hurt others. Showing someone compassion and forgiveness is much better for your mental health and that person's future possible victims.

I too wish this was real but she's supposedly young enough to have an older brother who is young enough to still cherish his Lego and teddy bear and yet she spells dye correctly? I'm not feeling it, disappointing to me though that is.

Now playing

The first time I saw the video that Carly Rae Jepsen, Justin and Selena and a few others made of them dancing around to Call Me Maybe, I remember thinking, "who wouldn't want to be them?" A bunch of young people with talent and money, having fun. Guess its not quite like that, in real life...

Tell me again where the little L is in transgender?