
When you have so much head-fat that your eyes no longer open, DO SOMETHING.

“The best people.”

USDA Select.

Right? “my wife/girlfriend is cool with it” is always red flag #1

Sort of timely, what with the series on Lacey Peterson coming up...but I remember seeing an interview with Scott Peterson in which he said Lacey knew about his affair and was cool with it. An eight months pregnant woman was cool with her husband having an affair? When I was eight months pregnant my husband got a

Miller is claiming that his wife is delighted to welcome his son into the world and into the family? I love it how he’s using his wife and kids as a shield. Really classy, guy. Family values man, all the way.

Please let it happen. I was saying this morning, literally ANY POLITICIAN IN WASHINGTON would be better than Trump. ANYONE but him would know better than to fucking cause a nuclear crisis. The degree of asshole that he is is shocking, horrifying, astounding, disgusting.

The other day my wife witnessed online someone from our church demonizing socialist healthcare, then in the same thought wishing the US had Canada’s healthcare system. I think most people are confused by a lack of research, but have that envangelical passion that gets the mis-information out of control.

Ron Johnson was one of the four who said he would never vote for “skinny repeal” unless Paul Ryan could guarantee him that it would not become law. Ryan said he could not guarantee any such thing, so Johnson immediately said, “Okeydoke” and voted for it anyway.

I’ve been in a few situations similar, and I’ve found my response was situational. In a bar, I turned around and loudly demanded the dude behind me not grab my ass. When I was at work once and found my male supervisor was being inappropriate in front of others, I didn’t feel the strength to say “The way you’re talking

My state of relative calm is heavily relying on the assumption that some four star adult in the room will prevent the clown from starting a nuclear holocaust.

having some maniac, having some madman go out and get a nuclear weapon. That’s in my opinion, that is the single biggest problem that our country faces right now.

my 3rd order as President was steak well-done with ketchup

The moment trump approves a nuclear strike (against any target), SecDef Mattis will approve his own strike. A ballpoint pen to the jugular.

I have no idea what this raid has turned up or may turn up; BUT:

I believe he put some in his Taco bowl during the election to celebrate Cinco de Mayo.

Any truth to the rumor that WH staffers have covered up all the mirrors, because Trump keeps on attacking that other president?

He did not, however, specify what the inaccuracies may have been.

Hahaha, me too! Every time I’m in Costco, I visit the Dyson fan. I want the model that can also act as a heater. SWOON

Counterpoint: I love Miranda but I would love more a solid moratorium on anybody in the entertainment business entering politics