
And forget that the majority of illegal immigrants actually fly here.....and overstay their visas. That’s how they become illegal immigrants in the first place---while being legal in the first place, and end up staying too long to the point of becoming illegal. They were good enough to come in, but apparently staying

LMAO... I would laugh my ass off if once the wall is finished, the inevitable ribbon cutting ceremony is punctuated with a simultaneous mass coordinated “BOOM!”.

To that end, the RFP stipulates that the American side be “aesthetically pleasing in color,”

I’ve no objection to that peculiar monstrosity on cheeseburgers, where it does what it’s supposed to do.

They should have asked him for his SAG card in return.

The first time CBS showed this kid I was like, “ah man, that kids really into the game. Great job finding a passionate fan, camera guy!”

Meltdown in the Middle

I can’t believe all the “basic” criticism she gets. I think she’s fabulous.

If my job involved pinning some alfalfa sprouts to my coat and pretending it’s all cool, I would be updating my resume.

So tiny! My Chairman Meow is 26 pounds and looks like an oversized ottoman in loafcat position. (He’s not a fatty, he’s a Maine Coon).

That’s exactly what Mrs. Foxworthy said, too!

I didn’t even read the story, the headline via the link was enough for my Paul Ryan hatred to multiply times a billion. Fuck. That. Guy.

You really do have to wonder what’s going through their heads. Paul Ryan is currently hitching himself to a healthcare plan that will result in a 15-20% rate hike RIGHT WHEN THE MIDTERM IS HAPPENING, and they’re sending people out daily in front of the press to talk about how meals on wheels and free lunch programs

Nothing makes one leap out of bed faster than the sound of their cat (or dog) vomiting. #FACT

Health care and pension costs will drop because no one will live long enough to get sick or retire.

The fact that antebellum debutante Lindsey Graham might be all that stands between us and this lunacy is a truly terrifying thought.

Cracking backs and such they are great for. I just wish they’d stick to it!

Everyone I know who believes in detoxing is just dressing up their diet and/or eating disorder. The whole juice cleanse thing is ridiculous— basically tons of sugar.

As a lifelong resident of Michigan, I’m flabbergasted that Dick Posthumus hasn’t been in this tournament before, especially when he came to prominence as Jennifer Granholm’s lieutenant governor.