
Creamsicle of the United States. Orange on the outside, white all the way through, and cold as shit.

Followed that twitter. Needs nore posts.

Stockholm Syndrome will no longer be covered under Trumpcare.


According to christianity, one must care for the old, the poor, the sick, the lame and provide care for orphans and widows...

At age 64 and recently laid off my job, I was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Luckily, under ACA, I was covered by the Medicaid expansion for $348.00 a year. I ended up about $250.00 out of pocket beyond that. Under the new “best healthcare plan in the world”, I’d likely be dead or near it.

It’s doubly fun when they come back with the “well actually that’s just the Confederate Battle Flag!” Oh, so it literally represents taking up arms in defense of slavery? Thanks for making my point even stronger, Confederate!

Whenever I hear about physicians like these, it makes me think of all the med students entering the profession because they have the chance to make boatloads of money, not because they actually care about people.

Idk if it’s me or I’m doing something wrong but Essie polish seems to be so overrated. Every time I’ve tried a shade it’s always this watery, runny consistency that is a devil to work with. It’s dries and yet smudges or chips so easily too even with a top coat. Way too expensive to be doing that. I’m an OPI girl all

I gave up on Essie polishes. The colors look great in the bottle but it needs too many coats. I cannot sit still long enough for Essie to dry.

Jesus Christ can we just support a woman WITHOUT TEARING ANOTHER ONE DOWN?!!! Jesus.

She looks like she’s finishing up schooling a street harasser and then on her way to a dope ass bottomless brunch. I wish I was invited.

Literally all these fucking Trump supporters on Twitter use these many emojis or hashtags. Its fucking infuriating! Like hello, I am trying to tweet back to your President about what a douche he is and your emojis are in my way.

The only person in the universe who I don’t judge for tweeting this way is Cher. Every one of her tweets is a giant fantastic emoji-laden Rebus puzzle and I am here for it.

Same. I signed up my husband when he offered to make a desk for my home office. He’s as bad about it as I am now. We share pins for woodworking days, recipes, and random memes we find funny. It very often becomes “I see you this Greek Chicken and raise you a backyard dog fountain.”

Your point is a good one, but Drew’s whole schtick always is a humorous take on how he’s just a self-deprecating mediocre dude with dad jokes who likes to cook and watch sports and argue about hypothetical things. This was 100% in line with his usual content, but as per Emma’s challenge to these guys, he focused on a

Drew has built up enough good will with me that this post made me laugh. But I agree that in general the dudes are not taking today seriously enough.

I don’t know how many other people live in the middle of the Deadspin/Jezebel audience venn diagram, but I’m enjoying today

Brian Strom will now be the name of my new hyper-competent science fiction hero character.

This is akin to barricading the windows but disabling the alarm system and leaving the front door opened.