Bad news, girl — ya better get ready for ....Baby Time! When they kick in, they kick in hard!
Bad news, girl — ya better get ready for ....Baby Time! When they kick in, they kick in hard!
I’m 35 myself and same. But something about how utterly sweet he is with his kids is just adorable. Plus, Tim Kaine comes off as legit earnest and at least attempting to do something right for the little guy from his Senate seat.
Her husband, who is the bigger douche of the two
He looks like the douche-bag rich guy every female character in a Bollywood movie is forced to marry and endure for about half the movie until her poor, childhood crush goes through waves of goons to free her and give her the love she really deserves.
I remember at university, a bunch of the girls would say that this one professor was “hot”. I didn’t have a class with him for the first year but finally had a class with him my second year. I promptly went back to my friends after my first day of class and told them that their eyes were lying to them. They had been…
Ya see, this way the poor will be well motivated to become rich.
It’s something you tapp things with.
Part of our oppression is lack of ownership over our own bodies and the unwilling sexualization of our bodies.
The men from Moonlight recently did a shoot for Calvin Klein. They are all incredibly beautiful and the photos are fucking hot. They aren’t scrutinized for posing barely clothed. It’s bullshit that men can pose in clearly sexual campaigns and it’s just whatever, but women are forced to choose between making the…
I don’t think I can ever hear the word “great” in any context every again and think of anything but Trump. Even boobs. Ugh.
CELLO! Let’s say that 20 of the top 100 cellists in the world are working in American orchestras. Like, not being a fancy touring soloist or being European, just like clocking in every day at the SF Symphony. Principal cellists can pull down $100K and them bitches is unionized! No trying to get gigs or bouncing…
Hiddleston. And God knows they are both thirsty enough. Plus, think of the headlines! Tay-tay/Katy feud reignited! It would be glorious.
Maybe burger eating is my weird obsessive hobby because I’ve thought about toppings a lot and here’s my wisdom:
and the crowd went mild
The guy in the neckbeard looks like the offspring of Paul Giamatti fucking Jimmy Fallon.
Face Off on Syfy (uggghh) has to be one of the best. It’s a move special effects/makeup show where first prize is $100K in cash, a car, $25K in material, and you get to immediately become well known in a tiny industry. The judges are giants in the field who have hired contestants to work on movies almost immediately.
Hey now. I routinely sing out the “Price is Right” loser horn in my day to day life.
Exactly. Even if you’re born rich, you don’t run a cultish pyramid scheme for decades without having it blow up in your face, take control of a state’s Republican party, and bring the entire west side of the state of Michigan to heel without being somewhat smart, extremely calculating and incredibly ruthless.