
I know this seems like an odd thing to comment on, but here’s a huge shout-out to the noise-cancelling headphones on Luna. I am always amazed when people bring infants into incredibly loud situations like it’s no big deal. We were at an office holiday party recently and there was a dad dancing with his two-year-old

If there is any doubt we live in an Antisemitic country, imagine if there were bomb threats to 100 non-Jewish preschools in the past 6 weeks. Imagine the outrage and pandemonium. The wall to wall coverage.


Man, that sucked. Did she give that donkey a lemon?

I’m upset that they changed the lines about the book plot. The best part of that lyric was the fact that it was foreshadowing!

This actually made me cackle. Babette and Lumiere are obvs fucking — that was never a secret, even in the animated film.

Okay but there is also a talking candle and a somewhat sexual talking duster and I think they are lowkey fucking so I don’t think they are going for realistic

Wow. Emma Watson is the first British person I can think of who actually sounds British (*very* British) when she sings.

I’m 33 and my mind is still consumed with pogs.

Agreed, but if this is what makes people finally shut the fuck up about Milo being a voice of reason among a sea of libtards, then fine.

You answered your question in the last sentence—when it threatens their self interest and not a second before. Most republicans are motivated only by power (and the money that provides such power over others). It’s a simple notion but it’s got to be realized fully: they don’t have any ethics or morals or anything

And apparently some of them believe there was a real Bowling Green terrorist attack as well. Sandy Hook -fake, Bowling Green -real! Who the hell are these people?

McCain is the ultimate bait and switch. We know he has the capacity to do the right thing, even when it goes against his party, but since January every time he gives a glimmer of hope he’s failed to follow through.

Stefon voice: We’ve got everything; generals, dictators, secret agents and Sean Spicer riding around on a motorized podium playing “Hail to the Chief” on a kazoo.

Wow, that pilot got three Nazis and a Monopoly train.

This is another of the many details, that, though true, would be too eye-rollingly unbelievable if this were a movie.

Every picture I see of him makes it seem like that scene in the movie where you find out the minor character was actually the serial killer all along.

I was doing that, but then I thought there was a danger in using “Other” rather than making sure you’re firmly opposing the premise. As it turns out, it’s so poorly constructed that you can click No and also write in the Other box!

That survey just scared the shit out of me. The more they mention their “movement” the more uncomfortable I get. Bad, bad things are afoot in this administration.