Maybe Trump doesn’t want to spend the weekend in the White House because he heard it’s h-h-h-h-haunted!!!!!!!
Maybe Trump doesn’t want to spend the weekend in the White House because he heard it’s h-h-h-h-haunted!!!!!!!
First time he vetoes something. Because to the GOP the only high crime or misdemeanor is party disloyalty.
Don’t you bring the poor hungry, hungry caterpillar into this, he doesn’t deserve the comparison.
I really feel like it’d be inappropriate to consider a SCOTUS nominee in the middle of the campaign like this. We should really wait until the election and let the voice of the American people be heard.
I, for one, welcome our potential metric overlords.
I’m in the section going to Canada. Can’t say I’d have much complaints.
Jason Chaffetz is only doing this because Donald Trump promised to give him a silver left hand.
Is Baron automatically part of it? There is a tiny part of me that wants to rescue him from the nightmare that is his life. Forgive me, I’m a mom that wants to mother the lonely, forgotten and ignored. Call me Kitty Foreman.
Honestly any time someone says “A woman!” as a complete sentence my mind reads it in the same voice as the counselor from Mulan and I feel like somehow that mindset is even more on point in this context.
Well, if we’re going to be picky, nor should ‘cover up’ have a hyphen when used as a verb. Not that we’re picky. :)
Nonsense is one word, 45.
Fuckin’ bluejays, man. That guy deserved it.
Some of us are what Mr. Minkoff refers to as “clean droppers, like a cat.”
You know, I thought the same thing about people who stand to wipe, but there are lots of people who will willingly admit that, and wadding isn’t nearly as insane as standing up.
“26" is right up there with “standing” in the world of absurd wiping answers that makes me question if we’re part of the same species.
Brian Flynn out 8 weeks. The barn is listed as hay-to-day.
I just called his office, (405) 557-7382, and left those exact questions in a message to his very pleasant assistant. She says he will give me a call back. I’ll update when if he does!
I ordered a copy of The Handmaid’s Tale last week. Got it in the mail on Saturday. Finished it last night. I couldn’t put it down. Instead, I put it on my summer syllabus. All these young adults are going to get a big dose of the real world according to Thundercats this summer.
Jesus H Christ, I hope she doesn’t (and I voted for her). She has too much baggage. She is not a slam dunk candiate and the Democrats need to learn from their mistakes. Run someone young and without years of intrigue behind him/her. Run someone like Obama that will get people excited to vote.