
Modest is iffy... he can’t directly pull from the church (that is what got a lot of pastors in trouble) but he knows how to market though his book, his diet plans, etc. His home as well... from the looks of the library alone it is hardly a modest abode, let alone he fought the IRS on the size of the home so he could

There is actually an entire (I guess) branch of Psychologists who specialize in therapy for wealthy clients who struggle with their wealth. One of the best parts of it is that they often have it turn from therapy for the breadwinner into therapy for the spouse/kids.

 While I am sure Tim is celibate on his own terms, I am sure fear of his judgement has scared off many from even trying.

You didn’t pray hard enough, or believe deeply enough!

And then, at the end of a very long life, he would appear and gently tell you it was time to clean up your work space.

I live in the Bible Belt, and we have many prosperity gospel believers here. Not only do they think God blesses the faithful with money, they think He blesses the faithful with physical health, too. Got cancer? You didn’t pray hard enough, or believe deeply enough!

I have actually had a man say to me that if I am a real Christian, I should support limited government because (and this is what he said) “If the charitable functions are all taken over by the government, what will be left for you to do to earn your way into Heaven?”

I know people like that, too. (I’m in Texas.) My question to them is why is it not a function of the government if their ideal government is a Christian one? Jesus was all about taking care of the poor and sick, turning the other cheek, etc, never mentioned abortion or homosexuality. The bottom line is they don’t want

I hate them for filling my heart with so much hate.

Can someone please get a drone carrying a boombox playing the B-52s at 125 motherfucking decibels to fly over Pence as he is sworn in tomorrow? I am sure it could get crowdfunded in about ten minutes.

The kids have ruined daddy for me permanently. I guess it died for a good cause.

His definition of “Good” in a photo is 1) He’s in the photo 2) Rosie O’Donnell is a fat pig and 3) He is facing directly into the camera so that you cannot see how his neck fat rolls over his collar.

His body language is so awkward and revealing and his insecurity is so bizarrely obvious. I believe after a while the ceaseless scrutiny is going to reveal how deeply uncomfortable and tone deaf and self-centered he is, even in a contained and scripted environment.

I second Accesskathryn — I also fucking love your goddamn community, and I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure your community is safe, happy, and full citizens in every way in our society.

I love everything about this and I wish they could do this every night.

Mary Ann Carmody sounds like a lovely lady. I hope she got a glow stick.

WV. There is a closer one in Pittsburgh, but I feel that WV needs the show of solidarity more.

Can we have a craft/slogan/protest thread?