
I throw crossfit under the bus because it seems to breed the sort of amateur fitness warriors that come to fancy themselves fitness professionals without real in-depth knowledge of biomechanics and exercise science. Like many a fitness fad, it suffers from a lack of standardization and professionalization that make it

You nailed it. Rhabdomyolysis is no joke. It’s not like “whoops, I asked them to do 20 pushups when they could only handle 18. My bad.” rhabdomyolysis occurs under extreme strain, the sort of trauma that trained strength coaches know to avoid because such traumatic stress is ultimately counterproductive. You build

Oh, no I think Eric’s the Connie. Kind of a mess, maybe could be useful if he got his natural fuck up-ness under control. Jr’s the Sonny. Ivanka’s the Michael.

Here’s the list of kids I think I could love into normalcy if given the chance to foster them:

I’m betting she’s more of a Connie. Beat on and abused but when it all cimes crashing down she’ll become a ruthless matriarch. (And may have some one poisoned.)  

Add all of us snowflakes together= avalanche.

We had that, though. RIP Kitchenette.

Appeal is personal. Flour tortillas are OK for burritos and quesadillas (which are both pretty boring examples of Mexican food). But the aroma of a hot corn tortilla reaches deep down into my brainstem and lights up something it’s impossible to describe. Even the factory-made ones — and if they’re handmade corn

Conversely if it’s top shelf open bar I’ll dance around like a minstrel show.

1) Melts superbly because it’s already an oil emulsion.

Grushokva (weirdly similar to the name grushkova) is a type of tomato. How fun!

I just read an article today that said more or less this - that the best way to get his goat is to not watch him. Making his speeches and interviews the lowest rated of their kind will drive him crazy. Stay informed, read the press coverage the next day so you know what’s going on, but opt out of watching all his

Trollllll! Trollllll in the White House!

Holy shit, that straight up sounds like something Mallory Archer would say.

Quick! Someone hand me pearls to clutch!

He’s such a coward hiding behind his Twitter account. Waiting for his first summit meeting with other world leaders. Can’t hide there.

This is driving me crazy. As a former (low level) intel analyst seeing how Trump is acting towards the intel community hurts me. Is there flawed intelligence? Absolutely. That is why any analyst worth anything will pepper briefs and papers with terms like approximately, in vicinity of, assessed and various levels of

You mean the district filled with thriving shopping malls that have mainly black people dropping crazy stacks on Mac, Sephora, designer clothing and shoes?? I was raised there, moved to California fifteen years ago and on a recent visit back home was absolutely FLOORED at the display of wealth and culture that I

Trump doesn’t read at all, so there’s no way he can be fluent. I enjoy a game where I decide whether random people on the street are smarter and more qualified to be president than our next president. It’s not much of a game because almost everyone is. Today a homeless man gave me a flower because I “look a bit

The only reason I started shopping at American Apparel was because of their manufacturing practices. I eventually stopped when the skeeviness became too much too handle (and also their stock started leaning away from basic, high quality cotton goods and focused more heavily on sparkly leotards and satin hot pants)