
I’m so tired of cynical video game fanboys and girls. It’s such a cliche now. If you think you’ve got it all figured out you should go to school and become a videogame creator or producer or whatever and make the changes you think should be made and stop bitching about how other people are screwing it all up. You have

Nintendo was never going to release Zelda and Mario on the same day, that’s just bad marketing. You stagger your big releases so each one gets its own spotlight. I can guarantee you that there will be several third party titles at launch, possibly some Wii U ports as well. The PS4 and Xbox One didn’t have any

The thing that kills me so much (besides the obvious) is that Drumpf could have lived out his life with a failed television network, screaming his rhetoric, and calling into Fox News to berate the next president in line. Instead, he showed his ass, shuffled off the persona to reveal the demon within, and THAT’S what

As much as I loathe Pence, I’m fairly confident that he’s disinclined to nuke anyone out of spite. That alone is reason enough to prefer him over Trump. I mean, sure, he might go down as the worst president of all time, but compare that to the odds of Trump going down as the final president ...

Counter-point to your friend:

Pence also has all the charisma of a fart, so he will be easier to beat in 2020 if there is an election.

“Really, the only upshot of Pence over Trump for us is that the odds of a nuclear war go back down to 0.000001%”

My expectations and hopes are unbelievably low. I’ll actually consider the next four years a success if there are no nuclear weapons deployed and no significant land wars. I’m assuming that the economy, the social safety net, and basic human decency are already doomed.

Obama and Biden shared an epic hug last night and are manly as fuck

Once I was in the “feminine products” aisle of Safeway with my husband while a man had a complete meltdown on his cellphone about having to buy tampons. Like, a full-on temper tantrum. He screamed into the phone:

I once got shit for ordering a cinnamon-raisin bagel. Guy said “You must be really comfortable with your masculinity” has he handed it to me.

It’s so upsetting. A family member of mine voted for Trump because “the last 8 years were boring” and all I can think today is how right he was. The last 8 years were gloriously, perfectly boring. I’ll take boring any day over this actual shit show (or maybe more fitting- piss show).

Nah, I’d like to think poetic cadence means they’ll do the entire inauguration in iambic pentameter. I might actually tune in for that. The struggle with the teleprompter will be legendary. Although, Dr. Seuss type verse is probably more his speed.

Also, I am going to bet that you will have Trumpanzees all over social media on the day of the inauguration trumpeting how “authentic” Trump is an a “man of the people” for not having anyone famous or talented at his inauguration. I have never see a group of people really shovel in the shit and call it caviar than

He’s a murderer, a terrorist, an unapologetic racist, and an evil piece of shit.

“Are you gonna get the next one right?”

I have three daughters and hate, rage-hate, anyone who asks if we’re going to keep trying. As if what I already have isn’t good enough. People are shitty.

My girl and I can’t have kids, neither sets of plumbing work, and we’re both innies not outies. She’s a nurse and announced her engagement at work last year (nobody knows she’s marrying/living with a woman outside of family/friends) and they, of course, ask when the kids are planned since she’s already mid 30's. She’s

2 daughters. People constantly asking me if we were going to try for a boy. First, fuck you for asking. Second, the risk of 3 girls was far scarier than  the chance of a boy. Now that I have one teen, and another one about to be a teen, i feel completely vindicated.

I was just in Georgia on vacation (down from MA). At a playground with my pregnant wife and twin 2-yr old girls. A father of boy/girl on a bench points to my wife’s belly and says “Are you gonna get the next one right?” She asks “what do you mean?” He says “You know - y’all gonna get it right and have a boy?” My wife