
Thank you for this. It’s as if there’s a cutoff age for missing child cases to be taken seriously. 11 year old doesn’t come home from school? Victim of child predator; find her by any means necessary. 14 year old doesn’t come from school? Teen runaway; she’ll turn up. Sick pedo kidnappers do not care if a girl has

Yep. The worst thing that happened to me is not for you to rub one out to.

LOL she also got me salad tongs (which I requested) and those were wrapped but that’s beside the point. [Dying of laughter IRL]

Yes, it’s totally what should be in stockings! I always get my chapstick and lotion refills from there. Mom has great taste. :)

I really enjoyed it precisely because of what it was - a war movie set in the Star Wars universe. Also, Diego Luna.

Fun experiment: Ask the communists how much they spent, even under a communist government, monitoring that tiny, tiny section of wall. Then extrapolate to the ~2000 miles of the US southern border.

Yep, it’s 9 a.m. and I’m just getting around to putting on pants, considering the gym, but really this hot coffee in my silent loft apartment is quite nice. They made today a work-from-home day at work due to the sub-zero temps. Maybe I’ll finish my book since I have two more in the queue, but I should tidy up and get

Gwyneth Paltrow? How did she get in there?

Ellen Barkin, you mean. I wasn’t going to say anything, but the next story is literally about leaving out the last letter in a famous woman’s first name, so...

I am with the Force; The force is with me.

Everyone who voted for Trump should get down on their knees and beg and plead for more illegal immigrants to come here. You know why?

Republicans: Creating imaginary problems and then saying the Dems won’t solve them.

I think you touch upon an excellent point that bridges the “economic anxiety” of the white working class that we heard oh so much about post-election and the monumental amount of racism, xenophobia, and nationalism that encompassed Trump’s campaign.

Lol I’m hoping it’s Giuliani. Would explain how batshit crazy he became (and why he suddenly was no longer interested in a cabinet position)  

That sounds like fiscally conservative, unregulated, small government to me!

This is the payoff on the long con of typewriter inventor Jerry Qwerty.

Yes, I’m serious. Those were the $$ names of the period. That’s not to say that other people weren’t using them or that people with those names aren’t good people. But yuppie films of the era often had characters with those names. They were certainly popular names:


I will say, the one disadvantage of buying the cheaper men’s products is that men, on the whole, are *terrible* at leaving reviews. Women will leave their freaking genetic profile along with their review — skin type, hair type, measurements, products they’ve tried before. I looked at the reviews for a men’s

My littlest daughter said “aaww yes”.

I hope there’s a hoomba. A human roomba, also known as a midget on roller skates who picks up your trash.

I fucking loved The OA. It was really well put together, didn’t take up more time than it needed and had a great ending that tied it together perfectly:)