The fact that they think that Trump is a normal guy blows my mind.
The fact that they think that Trump is a normal guy blows my mind.
shit’ll be lit fam
It’s like when people say she gave speeches at Wall Street Firms is terrible bad but Trump hiring Goldman execs to run the country proves he’s really smart.
Wait, Hans Zimmer is playing? Way to bury the lede!
I think that is also a HUGE reason why so many women voted for Trump. Hillary Clinton is the god-damn prototype of a self-made, intelligent, powerful woman who comes from humble beginnings. Many women see that and know that they are absolute shit compared to her, and that put them off. Hell, I’ll even throw in the…
The whole post is gold.
Real Americans eat KFC*
*With a fork and knife on their private jet and have their assistant tweet a picture of it.
I always figured dissonance implodes rather than explodes, when the coils tighten as the brain chokes itself on its own tortuous logic.
If you think they’re going to blame their Trump vote when their benefits get cut, you’re more optimistic than I am.
“Clinton tries to ally herself with the “common folk,” but she comes of as pandering and fake. Trump does it too, but at least he seems real, especially when he is eating KFC.”
I celebrated passing the long ass diabetes test by baking brownies. I might hve missed the point.
I am not ready for this, and yet I need it.
I know. I blubber up every time they show Gary Fisher and I imagine him getting up and wagging his tail hopefully that it’s his mom every time a door opens.
When I’m down, I call a Mormon (don’t worry, he’s a colleague, I’m not just calling random Mormons). Seriously, his optimism is contagious. It’s cheaper than therapy.
This is the America I want us to be.
Debate is punished. You’re a bad Christian if you question anything.
Learning and argument aren’t a part of a lot of Christian sects (but it is in some). Many are very authoritarian in nature, where was your pastor tells you is what you believe, and you don’t get to argue against that.