
Until its proven otherwise I am fully convinced that the only reason Trump picked Carson for HUD is because he’s black and it has the word urban in it’s title.

Three or four years? Months. They’re already doing the weep and gnash teeth routine over the idea that he isn’t actually going to jail Hillary. They honestly thought that would happen. By the time he actually sets fire to their Medicaid they’ll be spinning around like spiders with St. Vitus Dance.

I never thought the day would come where I’d openly wish for enough faithless electors to band together to make Kasich the reasonable, sane option for president.

people in countries with famine and drought should just up and move someplace else

...kind of like how nobody seems to care that Petraeus leaked a bunch of classified info to his gal pal but Hillary needs to be locked up despite the FBI never being able to prove anything.

People are whispering about Katy Perry being pregnant because Orlando Bloom rubbed her belly at a big event

wait the weekend is a former Jonas Brother? no I do not think so. The Weeknd is superior to any Jonas.

Kanye West will do his Kanye Best to get some Kanye Rest.

Fuck me, this one gets me too. 18 months of hearing nothing buy “E-MAILS!!!!”, and then these people celebrate the potential Patraeus nomination...

Yes! I like open “sections,” provided that they make sense. Like kitchen/dining leading out to the back deck, but then I want that closed off from the living room, or at the very least, a separate den.

When I watch HGTV and hear:

8 kids? Readers? Is your name Mallory Pike?

Pretty much all of the shows on HGTV embrace a diverse variety of couples/families: Love it or List It, Flea Market Flip, House Hunters (and the reno version), Property Brothers, etc. all regularly feature interracial relationships, LGBT people, people of color, immigrants. All of the shows where you see a

I thought that was Tim Kaine

Counterpoint: our new home looks so much better without that extraneous wall dividing the kitchen from the living room

As someone who has watched at least 30 seconds of HGTV, I believe the term you’re looking for is “open concept,” as in: “Nick and Jillary are ready to wrap themselves in the romance of Venice where they hope to find an open concept home with stainless steel everything and the same exact enormous footprint of the

Concurred. I like an open kitchen/eating area, since every get-together seems to turn into “let’s all stand in or around the kitchen”, but sometimes I just want to watch SVU without hearing my husband grumble about my TV taste while he makes a sandwich or whatever.

Yea, I also feel like people who want an open space “so the whole family can be together” don’t realize how annoying their family really is.

Be careful with this method. Always consider the location of, and operational status of a ceiling fan when doing the lift-and-sniff poopy check. Trust me.