
Another small joy: Gingrich just said he won’t be on the cabinet.

So a private email server that MAY have been hacked and which only contained retroactively classified information is disqualifying, but if you are PROVEN to have accidentally shared classified intelligence with an adversary who later actually killed our troops, you’re fine.

Easiest way for to block someone from not attending your wedding/reception? have it on an active military base. thats what i did

The best part of these letters is that, for the most part, they serve to show how deeply our public servants care about the cause for which they serve. These people are speaking anonymously and thus have little reason to lie, and what I get from reading these pieces is the terror that Trump will undo the work they’ve

Obligatory comment petitioning for revival of I Thee Dread.

eh, she seems like the kind of woman where screwing her significant other would take you from step A to Hep C.

Lagunitas is 💯 better than 21st.

Not if it happens before the electoral college votes. If he resigns before then, then the college is freed to vote for whomever they want to, without being bound by their state’s votes.

In other words, always fight like you are about to lose even when it seems like you’re winning.

Don’t be angry with yourself for believing that humanity is better than it sometimes is. Use your legal eagle talents to help fight back.

Like sands through the hourglass, these are the fucked up days of our lives.

Nothing to contribute to this comment except to say that your name is fantastic.

+1 conversion therapy

Because you probably read and educate yourself and not just from a news source that confirms your biases but challenges them. I was always mildly right leaning but my go-to sources are The Guardian and Reuters and they taught me the importance of looking at the full picture and not just headlines that comfort me

Yeah, it’s all magical thinking. Quiets the anxiety on occasion, but it is not to be trusted. I try to avoid “they” and “somebody” speak as much as possible. I always want to know who, exactly, might be in charge of things.

Election polls show voter sentiment, not what is going to occur.

I’m sure Mike Pence has just been telling them that they’re wrong to transition.

I’m still in shock ANY of these assholes are forming a government while we are all looking on helplessly. Obama has literally left the country, Hillary has beamed off the planet and back onto the USS Defiant and even the Pope has no Nice Things(TM) to say anymore. We’re just going to sit around and wring our

“In addition to reports of “knife fight”-like internal discord...”