
He truly doesn’t understand how the first amendment works.

Because Jared is not emotionally intelligent. And Bannon wants to use him for his family money. Read up on Jared. He makes bad deals and is very susceptible to being flattered and exploited. Bannon wants to use Jared for money for his alt-right media empire and political movement. It’s the age-old story of the

He probably thought it would be like running a bought out business. Someone comes into a failing company with all their current staff and fires and hires accordingly. That’s now how the White House works though....

Yeah I kind of want my national security folks to be hinged.

This sucks for me to admit, but I really feel that our best chance to avoid an unrecoverable disaster of POTUS Trump vs generic horrible right wing politician like Mike Pence is lend support to senators on the conservative side to really stand up to Trump. I think Mike Pence would absolutely be a horrible president,

My dad has a theory on Trump supporters. They don’t want to admit that they made a mistake; that their judgment is bad; therefore, they will defend Trump no matter what; otherwise it would be admitting to their own gullibility and bad judgment.

Flash of brilliance: what if his horrible children don’t get the necessary security clearance to receive classified info? (Not a stretch, they really shouldn’t). Then, he gets caught passing classified information to an unauthorized person? I think we might all die from irony overload.

I hate Pence as well, but I do believe that Pence would refuse to use nuclear weapons in the event of an attack. I am not so sanguine about Trump.

I’m going to go out on a limb and suppose that Pence was tweaking the legalese for his own nefarious reasons.

So, like, someone’s going to come out with some taped conversations of Trump scheming with Russia to win the election and save us from this clusterfuck, right? I mean, there has to be SOMETHING that could get him arrested before the end of January, right?

I’d fucking take Ivanka over Giuliani.


I’m thankful for every person in power with a shred of decency who has the will to stay and fight, but I do not blame any of them for wanting to gtfo.

I’m starting to believe that men watched Mad Men and thought, “Good times! Let’s go back to that!”

My 7 year old son could be his Veep. He thinks that everyone should be nice to each other; the trains would run on time (mainly because he likes trains) infrastructure would be fixed (because he like bridges) and school would be shorter. People need more time to play. Also, he told me that if he were king, there would

The key word was relatively. I’m hoping for a non-pence alternative who understands government and will not start deporting or killing immigrants. Low bar. I know it will likely still be bush 2.0 but God that looks like a safe alternative these days.

My fear is that, if the electoral college decides to vote in Clinton, there’ll be some kind of violent civil uprising on the right. I mean, I get the impression that many of them have at least one firearm, and many of those probably carry a firearm with them regularly. All it would take is a scuffle at a protest for

BIDEN: Tell him on Tuesdays he has to spring for tacos for the former president. Say it’s tradition.

Relevant: during the election night my sister in law texted my wife “The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming.” It still sends chills down my spine.

As soon as Clinton and Obama reached out to Trump, his manic desire to be loved by everyone immediately kicked into gear and he began walking back many of his previous positions- on deportations, on the prosecution of Bill and Hillary, and on his language concerning undocumented immigrants who haven’t committed