
No. In fact, I love how this horrible outcome has made everyone act like they took a hit of cocaine. If Hillary won do you think Planned Parenthood, ACLU and their ilk would be getting the flood donations it is now? Planned Parenthood gets so much from the government. It relies on donations. Newspapers that were going

Holy shit.

No one was hoping Donald Trump would lose more than Donald Trump was.

How do bears hibernate and can a human do it for four years?

My best friends have posited a theory. When you get elected president, one of the first things that happens is you get a visit from “Charlie,” this deep undercover operative who has ALL the horrible news about what’s really going on. “Charlie” takes the POTUS-elect into a little room and tells POTUS all the horrible

You: Man this totally sucks...

I hope he sets up an A-Team style group of renegade do-gooders who comically thwart the cartoonishly evil GOP policies at every turn.

Considering the alternative, I’m kind of okay with that. Pence is evil, but Trump is crazy, stupid, and evil.

Yeah, Pence is awful, but Pence is *predictably awful*. Trump is only predictable in that he is unpredictable.

What happens the first time a foreign leader insults him?

“Not all Trump supporters are racist!” some idiots keep crying.

Exactly. That blue-collar whites in fly-over states voted for a rich New Yorker who promised to cut taxes for the top 1% should tell us all we need to know about their ability to think logically. They don’t give a shit about facts.

Different type of bad. Pence would certainly be worse domestically (in terms of human rights), but Trump’s foreign policy could lead to some seriously disastrous consequences.

And he’s surrounded by people that hate him. 92% of D.C. voted for Clinton.

You understand that Donald Fucking Trump is about to be our president and this is something people might want to actually fucking discuss, right? It’s kind of a thing.

That ! “ didn’t want a “fresh” “clean” “baggage free” woman to finally break that glass ceiling. I wanted a woman like Hillary, who would be living proof that if you worked long and hard enough that nothing could keep you down” Thank you for that.

My whole family is pretty conservative and my sister admitted to voting third party, and then later texted me when things were starting to go south saying that she secretly wished Hillary would win. YOU COULD HAVE JUST VOTED FOR HER, YOU KNOW.

Yep. She will live on to inspire millions and she will run her foundation and do good around the world. She will become a female Jimmy Carter.

We need to call them Republicans because this is the GOP.

If it were me, the caption would read, “Hillary Clinton forced to console sobbing woman who tried to tell her ‘thank you’ but couldn’t manage the two-word utterance.”

It seems I can’t stop. I cried on the phone with my grandma this morning, who told me not to give up, that our time will come. She remembers the coathangers.