For the next four years I’m gonna be playing a game called “At least it’s not Hillary!” to every single dumbass person I know who voted 3rd party when they complain about Trump. Especially in two years when there’s another election, and they are no fucking where to be found.
I’m in NZ. The Dominion Post (our paper) had the headline of “WTF?” on a picture of Trump.
I was out buying black clothes (which I plan to wear until this feeling of mourning lessens) when I saw two hijab-wearing women this morning and wanted to say something - anything? - to them, but didn’t know what.
Super excited for every single one of these idiots do develop black lung from the reopened mines just to be told oh sorry that’s a preexisting condition.
There are a lot of people in this country who think that a rich guy with a pretty wife and a foul mouth and a gold toilet must be doing something right so they want him to fix all their problems too. That’s basically it.
I decided a while back to get a tubal ligation if Trump won. And I’m going through with it. I’m 29 and I choose “no kids” over “possible forced pregnancy”. We don’t know how to deal with Zika, childcare, education, war, terrorism, any thing...I’m not going to risk being compelled to bring a baby into this shitty place.
Anyone else worried about them making IUDs straight up illegal? The far-right feels that they cause “abortions” since sometimes they cause an already implanted embryo to detach. This was their logic in the Hobby Lobby decision anyway...
Or straight up making them illegal because they cause “abortions” a la the Hobby Lobby decision.
Like, I get that Mike Pence is a misogynistic shitbag, but I really think insurance lobbyists won’t advocate for this. Birth control is way cheaper (and the mark-up much higher) to cover than pregnancy, labor, and a newborn.
As soon as #2 is born I’m off to get snipped. Did they make you wear a cone?
The scariest thing I’ve heard so far is that he’s going to simply abolish the EPA. The congressional GOP would go for that idea in about 2 seconds.
And for the male readers out there… if you really know you don’t want children, now is an excellent time to consider a vasectomy.
It leaves you in a tough spot for sure. For whatever it’s worth (not a lot), this white male will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you, no matter what comes. Peace, love, and justice.
He is so right. It is like a surreal dream. Like waking up and finding your nice neighbor who waves and says hello daily as he walks his dog has no compunction voting with the grand wizard of the local KKK chapter. Oh sure, he has a better reason. Clinton sucks, emails, tax rates, etc. But everyone knew what this…
And if you’re a dude who doesn’t want kids - get a vasectomy. It’s an outpatient procedure that’s cheaper, safer, and more effective than the equivalent for women.
There’s no reason women should have to take all of the risks and responsibilities for preventing unwanted pregnancy.
I have an IUD and hormonal birth control. I refuse to get pregnant. Also, it helps with the hormones pre-period.
You mean working-class whites? The part that would have still have had subsidized health care under Clinton but soon won’t? The part that would have had real plan to deal with the opioid crisis? The part that could have benefited from working on a massive infrastructure project (which Trump wants, but will have no…