*pssst* He’s saving up his energy for the balloon drop.
*pssst* He’s saving up his energy for the balloon drop.
I rather unexpectedly welled up during that segment. It concisely conveyed how much misogyny and public pressure changed and shaped her. I don’t think there’s a woman in America- especially those of us north of 40- that doesn’t understand how that feels. What she went through would have KO’d most of us, but she kept…
At that point she should pick up the entire podium and drop it.
I saw it too before I left. My God the woman is unstoppable. I was up at 3 am and MSNBC had live coverage of her just then arriving back in NY. Then she’s up and voting at 8:30 this morning. Hopefully she got a little sleep on the flight home. If not, please Hillary, go home and take a nap!! Curl up in bed, turn on…
I am 64- This is my current Facebook status: I was the third person in my district to vote this morning. My hand shook and my heart pounded when I filled in the oval for the Clinton Kaine electors. My vote is for me, and it’s for my country. But even more than that, my vote is for my four granddaughters, and for my…
“Thuggy, please vote for Hillary. I didn’t live through the 60's just to relive the 60's.”
It needs to be the Senate so the Supreme Court justices can be approved.
Why is this guy extending a toddler hand on a stick draped in an ill fitting suit???
Me too and no one has answer it properly!
Realized with this post that I’m starring every pro-robe stance. Mark it for the March Madness next year!
My heart aches for the robeless of the world.
I get a new pair each year because my eye insurance is pretty decent: a new pair, transition lenses, frames, and visit all cost me around 140. Luckily, my vision really hasn’t changed in three years. So, I wear whichever of the three I feel like.
There were GIANT SONIC FIREWORKS BOOMS here, a couple miles from Wrigley, and people screaming in the street everywhere. If I weren’t a baseball fan I would have assumed WWIII. My son goes to school in Wrigleyville - this morning almost nobody was there when the bell rang, and the few bleary-eyed kids who actually…
That was mean. I’ve met Joan twice. The first time she was extremely gracious of being stopped and the second time, she remembered me from the 7 month previous meeting.
I feel like she would cry if she saw this. And she doesn’t deserve that IMO.
Epstein: “we’re going to Disneyland!”
Seriously I don’t care about either of these teams, but I wanted the Cubs to lose because Joe Buck creaming himself over being “the guy who called the Cubs World Series win” makes me inexplicably angry.
Sure, it’s cute and trendy and all that - but is no one bothered by the big hunk o plastic that it comes in? Yeah, that’ll take all of 20,000 years to disintegrate ...
I am a moderator. I will wake up on November 8 at 4am, and get to my polling place by 5. I will swear everyone in by 530, and we will open the polls at 6am. People will vote until 8pm, at which time I will officially close the polls. I then print the results, put the ballots into the duffle, seal it up, then lock up…