
I’m a Black woman who’s lived in Des Moines for 12 years, and I’m sad to say that seeing a confederate flag isn’t a rare thing around these parts.

Sorry, but I love this. In a culture where “mom” is an insult (mom hair, mom jeans, that band your mom likes...), where women have been told they are weak and too emotional, this is great. Women are tough, and get stuff done, and if you’re a mom you already know that having one in the White House is a bonus. This is

My mom did criminal defense for 25 years in DC. She would regularly be called a bitch to her face by prosecutors.

I’m sad to say but I’ll be not surprised at all when the police officers are identified as non-white.

“We’ve had 240 years of fathers....”

Ted Cruz: Too Indecisive to Press That Big Red Button

I’m rather fond of the ‘responding to being shot with Spider-man’s web shooters’ one, myself.

My own favorites, out of the many, many “President Obama with adorable, happy children” pictures out there are the little boy checking to see if their hair really was the same (which you included, above), and this one.

As a small business owner who was hit with an enormous tax bill (Which I paid), I am beyond livid that this huckster doesn’t pay taxes. Hillary could feed on the blood of infants, and I’d still vote for her over Trump. I’m amazed at how may Trump lawn signs I see on poor people’s lawns. I fucking hate this guy, and

He seems to absolutely love children. Every picture I have seen of him with kids just warms my heart.

*joke about a v. expensive chandelier*

Vote once again with me

Hope he makes a quick return from the 3-day disabled list.

They’d still be wrong! She’s all torso. I have the same height/body type. I’m calling myself statuesque now

Ok, I see the bullshit “choice” narrative they’re exploiting in the abortion and (*gay*) club shooting tableaus, but the Charleston church shooting? What the actual fuck? Are they implying that the victims had that “choice between heaven and hell”—and they made the wrong choice? By merely being... BLACK?!

This is the first Halloween in a long time I won’t be putting a reluctant Tootie Pug into her Darth Vader costume- I miss her and her grumpy face!

Thinking that Hillary Clinton flies around the world in an invisible jet murdering people kind of makes me want to vote for her even more than I already do.

Yeah, that whole “everyone else gets free stuff except me” is pretty awesome. Nevermind that actually being poor is pretty shitty, and no one with a lick of sense would choose it over say, a steady 9-5 job that covers your expenses and allows you to take a nice vacation every now and again, and own a house.

They’ll only see it as further “proof” that the system is rigged, since they’re already convinced that there’s rampant voter fraud in support of Democrats, therefore the system is only punishing fraud that favors Republicans.