
The GOP is only about meaningless support for the troops and vets (saying “thank you for your service” in public, putting on a bumper sticker, etc). As soon as it requires a sacrifice on their part (“what?!? you mean all those veterans that I supported now need medical care that we have to PAY for? heck no!!!”), they

Wait a minute. I thought Republicans were all about America and Vets and Thanking for Service and all of that? You mean that’s only for white men?

It’s Chicago. Strikes are dangerous!!!!

She should have taken one of her legs off and beat the hell out him with it.

This. That’s why I don’t believe there is really such a thing as a “moderate” Republican unless you mean that those are just moderately horrible ones.

He might as well have said “No, you’re a towel.”

Going by his comment she is 0% white. He made no mention of her father at all. Everything about her was to be discerned by her “Thai” heritage.

Now playing

I loved how she shamed this “disabled vet” using his status to gain government contracts. Right around the 4min mark it gets good

It takes a lot at this point in the election season for the knob in my brain to turn from “exhausted resignation” to “unadulterated rage.” This does it.

He seems more like syphilis to me, what with driving so many to mental illness and all.

I think this basically sums up the problems we have right now. The dude is 75. He probably has a vague memory of when a “decent, white” man could take his lunch pail to the local factory and earn an honest wage with his hands, before returning home to his be-aproned wife and well-behaved kids for a wholesome dinner

Inauguration Day in 2009 was the first time our daughter had a huge snowfall. I left the TV on all day, and we would go play outside in the snow and then come back inside and warm up. She changed into footie pajamas out of her snowsuit and ate popcorn on the sofa while I drank hot chocolate and stole some of her

well i never

Yay! Let’s watch it again.

Emergency 375cc bourbon, stat!!

YES YES YES! Christawmighty— I would pull teeth to see Hillary Clinton come swaggering into the ring, briefly talk some smack, and take Trump out with a folding chair. Or take anyone out with a chair, really.

I fist-pumped and went “Whooooo!!” like I was at a Blue Angels airshow. Or WWE Smackdown. Smashy-smashy noises on a grand scale bring out my inner 14-year-old boy.

It’ll be really hard to outdo their fabulous graphics at the DNC, when the entire Jumbotron appeared to shatter & rain a million pieces of glass down through all the other smaller screens and the stage. That was SO much awesome! (It’s no wonder Trump was jealous of the DNC, because she out-WWE’d him.)

Did someone dare you to write this?