
Damnitt! My money was on refusal to press charges.

Just remember to vote. Don’t be “that” sick of all this.

That’s what Glenn Beck has been saying, actually, when denouncing Trump - that the GOP in Congress can do a lot to obstruct Hillary, but Trump would be a total shitshow and really dangerous.   Who would have ever imagined him as a voice of reason?

You people are worse than ISIS. Thin Mints or get the hell out of my country.

Clearly you are unfamiliar with the glory of tagalongs.

Oh MY that is good!!

I hope she doesn’t get paid. I hope none of them get paid. I hope they take him to court, he declares bankruptcy, and they see nothing. I also hope none of them ever work again.

“Sell the cookies, don’t eat them”

I saw a joke that the Clinton campaign doesn’t have an October surprise for Trump. They’ve got an advent calendar.

I don’t get why a tough executive wife is a turn-off.

What else is there to say?

It’s an established fact that ISIS fucking HATES Thin Mints, so he has a point.

Don’t get me wrong, old Billy has a lot to answer for and he would be doing his wife a favor by hiding out in Arkansas until the end of her term.

She was also closer to the White House than Trump will ever be because she was on The West Wing.

And bitches about black people not tipping and then doesn’t tip because “the service sucked”.

I can’t find it right now, but I once saw a tweet that asked “Was Schilling actually good at pitching, or were baseballs just trying to get away from him as quickly as possible?”

Well, I think it can go beyond “what a cute baby!” (I don’t have kids, none of my friends have kids more than a couple of years old) - when I was in the 8-14 range, I definitely heard adults remarking that someone was likely to grow up to be very attractive. “S/he’ll be a real heartbreaker,” etc.


so is he admitting that he HAS assaulted “prettier” women?

If it stops on 11/8, I will be thrilled. I have a sense that he’s going to be poisoning the system for a long time to come.