
I’m an old man now but that sure seems like the kind of “locker room” talk I would start a fight over.

I think this could be bigger than just Trump. We are coming out of the shadows, processing what happened to us, speaking up, and standing together.

I can see the picture now: Happy All American family headed off on a road trip. Mom, Dad, shining faced kids and the dog tied to the top of the car! Those were the days, yessir.

I am 32. I consider myself a strong ass woman. Not a victim. NEVER a victim. But what is shocking, and humbling about this entire election is the fact that other women are speaking out about things that I have just accepted in my life as part of being a woman, and that I’ve forgotten about until now. I truly forgot

Mitt is a Norman Rockwell painting in comparison.

I respect her because I, for one, would not be able to take Matthew McConaughey seriously enough to marry him.

You better cram now, because by Nov. 9, Cher will be in full hieroglyph.

I think you’re right about Christie. I don’t know about State for Guiliani though; I think he’d prefer DHS.

Legal doesn’t mean it’s not predatory.

Okay. I think that sometimes in long relationships, even when you go through hellish things, you can retain an incredibly strong friendship and partnership. Maybe I’m wrong, (it’s been known to happen!), but I’ve always felt that with them.

You must be young, then. They’ve always been like this in public, so it doesn’t strike me as unusual, at all. In fact, what would be weird is if he did do that, because then it’d come across as fake because it’s not what they do.

I mean, I thought it was a really innocuous way of acknowledging the attacks against him without giving his opposition exactly what it wants. I thought the tone was perfect. He doesn’t owe Trump and his Deplorable company any more than this or anything at all, really.

+1 sax of the yackity variety

I giggle every time I see this GIF...

Never interrupt your opponent while he destroys himself.

Hillary cannot, for one second, even appear to lower herself to attacking Trump like he does with her. If she’s has ONE slight meltdown like Trump’s, it will bring this election back to a coin flip.

This actually fits in well with John Oliver’s use of a videogame as an analogy for women’s long journey to the white house with Trrump as the final boss. n all the best videogames, the final Boss always has at least one second form when they get desperate and revert to their true monstrous self.

I’ll give Glenn Beck credit (just this once), he’s actually got the fucking spine to say outloud and stand by what every moderately intelligent conservative thinks about Trump. I think the realization that the conservative base is more likely to watch Honey Boo-Boo than 60 Minutes has really dismayed Glenn Beck. He

“They don’t know how to win - I will teach them!”

I’m actually fine with this. Let the alt-right be emboldened. Let them identify themselves. Let them think they matter. Because if you have ever referred to someone as a “cuck” unironicaly, I automatically know to disregard your entire existence. Thanks for the time-saver, Fedora Nation.