
I’m With Her solely because I don’t want to hear this for the next four years. Call me a one-issue candidate.

I fucking cheered when she said that.

She needs him to still seem like a viable opponent so people still show up on election day. If everyone thinks it’s over, Dems are more notorious for not actually going to the polls.

You know, with 2016 being what it’s been, I really wouldn’t be shocked if Debate 3: Debate with a Vengeance ends with Hillary salting Donald while the moderater drinks wine from a can.

His compliment of her is literally one of the things you want to see in a president. I don’t think he realized how big a favor her did her at the end, while she smartly demured from directly complimenting him.

Yep, she swerved the way I do around my furniture when I’m shutting off lights to go to bed. Not today, couch. Not ever, bookcase.

This is what I tell my mother every time she calls and says “Did you hear what that asshole said THIS time??”

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. October 9th is my birthday, and I want to see Clinton rip out Trump’s still beating heart and hold it aloft and say ‘this is for Sean’. That’s all I want for a gift.

Just to be fair, and I kinda hate myself for the next words, but he’s right. Hillary Clinton is not spending the next five days preparing for the debate. She has spent the last five decades preparing for this! It wouldn’t surprise me if 9 year old HR wrote in her diary “One day I am going to be President of the United

There is discomforting feeling of joy reading comments like that.

There is no wrong way to use that GIF

Hillary Clinton went to Yale Law School, so I’m gonna go ahead and say that she doesn’t consider 3 or 4 days of studying to be excessive.

Guys I’m at city hall waiting to vote right now! I’m so overcome with joy to be able to cast my vote not only for our first female president but a kick ass human being.

So I was just reading The Atlantic’s endorsement of Hillary just now. Obviously most of it focuses on why Trump shouldn’t be elected, and my favorite part was “he appears not to read.” I can’t wait for November to get here and see him defeated.

There’s going to be an overweight woman who begins a question with “I’ve been at the same minimum wage job for 5 years, and I was really offended when you said”

Really? I like the idea, but what I’m picturing is a couch and coffee table in place of a dining table and chairs, and it sounds cozy as hell to me. Kitchen couch hanging out with friend or lover to have coffee ❤️


This woman is both nutty and fruity.