
This is how Western Civilization collapses. Not with a bang but by watching some bangin’.

Thanks! That does make me feel a bit better.

Every time a conservative complains about liberals needing safe spaces, aren’t they really just asking for one themselves? Schilling wants a place where he can be immune from criticism and differing opinions, and tries to shut out people who disagree. Isn’t that exactly what he thinks a safe space is?

That and the fact that he wipes his ass with the memory of Lou Gehrig every time he tweets stupid shit.

About to walk in my meeting tomorrow and be like “I PROJECT RECORD GROWTH FOR Q4!”

This fuckface is trying so hard to ruin 2004 for me.

I feel like I just got skullfucked by an elementary school teacher’s “LOVE COFFEE!!!!!!” Pinterest board.

I love coffee. We all love coffee. But people who LOVE coffee are freaking annoying. You don’t need to post every damn cup of coffee you drink on IG or Snap because then I’ll know you suffer from the shits. Also, nobody cares that you drink cold-brew. We all do. I also don’t care about your crappy coffee mug that you

That doesn’t make any sense. Odo was a changeling trying to imitate human looks and behavior and Eric Trump.......wait, nevermind.

You watch your fucking mouth about Odo.

ok, we will, but they’ll need a lot of water and attention to really thrive.

The silver lining to this shitshow of an election for me is the juicy tell-alls we can expect after he loses.


Odo was a good changeling and an outstanding citizen of the Alpha Quadrant. Beady-eyed Gollum got what he deserved at Mt. Doom. Please never compare the two again.

I look forward to the Donald’s next bankruptcy, which should come within months of his well-deserved ass-kicking.

Yep, that’s what would make it even more interesting -- trying to figure out when & where Cruz will backstab Trump.

My first dorm roommate was a senior who was dating a junior at a local HS and wasn’t around very often, but I would have to leave when she would visit. He moved out after the first quarter (because who wants semesters) and for the next quarter, had the dorm to myself. Came back from spring break and new roommate was