
Yes, the same people outraged over US jobs going abroad are also outraged about the prospect of minimum wage increasing.

I’m not sure that I agree with the author of this article. Maybe I am forgetting something, but I don’t remember Jolie or any of her reps claiming that Brad actually hit any of the children.

Buying it! Said in a Gene Belcher voice....

Say what you want – pro or con – about Angelina Jolie. But I have no doubt that girl is unafraid to fight dirty. Down and dirty.

Wasn’t Don King the guy who stomped a man to death over $600?

If it is Martin Sheen I will eat my hat, I will eat your hat, and I will eat all the Stetsons in Texas. That is how much I need President Bartlet to remain good and pure.

(With apologies) 🎶I can see your face without that ‘do! And I like it🎶

Son completely out of the equation, cops pegged him as well and had some convincing things to back them up, like the audio tapes.

I think it’s widely acknowledged that Dr. George Hodel killed her. The facts point to him, and his own son believes that.

And why does it seem like rape is the only crime they do this for? If I punch someone in a bar fight the story about it isn’t going to mention that I’m a good cook and nice to animals.

“ The movies about this campaign will be amazing.”

Two Dons don’t make it right 

I pick out the green ones because they changed the flavor from lime to green apple and fake apple flavor is deadly.

I loved apples but I hate all apple flavored candy, and watermelon flavored candy is usually just as bad, and don't even get me started on pineapple....

Wait, I thought the Republicans were Constitutional Originalists. Correct me if I’m mistaken.

There you go with your liberal overstatements again. He doesn’t want to destroy America. He just wants to destroy all the parts he personally doesn’t like because what is America if you can’t have it your way. Or was that Burger King I am thinking of?

Why does Sterling K. Brown’s hand literally look like chocolate?! This is really bothering me.

I agree with the sentiment, but am also amused that it comes from someone with your username.