
I didn’t even have to read the story to know who was hosting for who. Yes profiling is bad, but one look at that dude screams ‘Trump supporter’.

“Every time we can’t drill a well in America, terrorism is being funded”

This reinforces my love for Martha. She has zero fucks to give, hustles like no other, AND is having dinner parties on TV with Snoop. Adding an endorsement for Hillary is like the buttercream icing on the finest dacquoise cake. It’s a good thing.

Martha Stewart worked her ass off to become Martha Stewart. Starting with baking muffins, selling them in offices and later opening a catering company. She built an ACTUAL billion dollar empire, not one based off of “how much I feel my business is worth today” Trump accounting. She also didn’t inherit $200MM.

The camera cut from Hiddles over to John Mayer semi-anonymously plunking in the Emmy house band may require a Shade Court ruling.

He could have leaked a sex tape with Queen Elizabeth this summer and he still wouldn’t have beat Courtney Vance.

But just like his policies, the basket is full of holes and doesn’t hold up well to close inspection.

Could you IMAGINE the drunk shade Martha would be throwing?? If she was Southern, I think “bless her heart” would be said A LOT.

It appears you have no faith is the Chipmunks Cinematic Universe.

I’ll give Schkreli a swipe

At first I thought “The Dentonite” was Nick Denton’s new rag and got unreasonably excited.

Yes. It’s a sick defense of a child rapist.

Who needs a thesaurus when you know words like “bigly”?

What’s hilarious to me is that Trump constantly attacks CNN and NYT even though they’ve got the most (and most rightly deserved) criticism for how they’ve covered Trump. The man can’t even identify his enemies properly.

Can’t wear white after Labor Day. Fools

She is probably desperately trying to break down the door to whatever room Trump is in with his phone, like Jack Nicholson in The Shining.

You callin’ me stupid? I know what nucular frisson is.

One of my ‘favorite’ things about Trump is his bizarre insistence that, despite being a public figure, people who haven’t met him personally have no basis to form an opinion. He said something similar about Mr. Khan.

Love it. We definitely need to fill in that “elaborately necessary moral responsibility” part I kind of glossed over above.