I don’t know much about her. But tbh, I am skeptical of just about every fitness “personality” save for Richard Simmons b/c he is a treasure and a delight.
Print media is doing something, but the talking heads are screwing up, big time.
That’s what Melania said.
I am perpetually puzzled by the things conservatives think will insult liberals.
Combo breaker!!!!
I feel like someone with these kind of thinking skills wouldn’t be making shit balloons to start with.
Oh, so that's why he walks this way.
She can’t win on ANYthing, thanks to Clinton Derangement Syndrome. It doesn’t really matter at all which decision she makes at any given juncture— she’ll get raked over the coals for it anyway. It must be like living inside a Choose Your Own Adventure novel where every option leads to certain death.
Say what you will about the Founders, but they got stuff done. If we have to have an authoritarian, at least let’s get ourselves a competent one.
I’d prob still vote for this Founder over Trump, even though she was a jerk.
I hope so. Pneumonia already makes you feel like something is pressing against your lungs, so wearing Kevlar must feel like torture.
What does “America is the ark of Noah” even mean?
Pass it to the left when you’re done with it.
I’m a huge fan of the Oxford comma. Good luck finding them. They’re becoming as rare as manual typewriters. I bet even money that the Oxford University Press doesn’t use them at this point.
I want Rita Wilson to understand that it’s Tom and me, not Tom and I.