
Yes! When Trump went after Apple and how they make their iphones in China. I thought, yeah, let’s bring the iphone manufacturing into the US and then see how much they cost! They cost around $800 bucks with them being made in China. They’ll probably cost over $3k being made in the US. And who will buy them then?

He had all thse people come on stage and talk about a loved one they lost to violence by a person who was here illegally. So basically everyone is like “SEE????????? ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE DANGEROUS NO IMMIGRANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

A 27% chance of a Trump Presidency feels like a large chance to me.

I love that Donald Trump flew to Mexico and back but he thinks a wall will stop people from leaving that country.

I’m not hopeful at all, about him, about this, anymore. He’s doing real lasting damage now. No matter who wins the election, there will be millions of people who look on any immigrant as something less than American, possibly something less than human. This isn’t a new narrative that he’s peddling, and we can all

The construction of that is just too bizarre to be real. “Make Mexico Great Again, Too” — fine. Unremarkable, trite, totally presumptuous, but utterly believable. Switch out a “too” with “also” and it’s clear somebody’s fucking with them and nobody notices or cares.

Apparently the first thing Piña Nieto said to him was “we’re not paying for that fuckin wall, bro”

It kind of begs the question, when do conservatives think Mexico was great the first time? I get that they think America was great when women were silent and people of color and LGBT people were invisible, but what about Mexico? When it owned Texas and California? Before the conquistadors showed up? It’s always had

I think I’ve figured out why: he feeds off approval so much he says whatever he thinks the people in the room want to hear the most, in the manner he thinks will either disarm them or rile them up most effectively. It’s why even people who don’t like him admit he can be charming one on one.

Are you referring to the esteemed Dr. Leo Spaceman?

Exactly! People don't realize that the costs of a lot of things we consume everyday are depending on some businesses being able to pay these illegal immigrants meager wages and pay them under the table. If the businesses can't do that then costs go up and people will bitch like there's no tomorrow!

im nearly positive he wont release his tax returns because there is an entire sub-section devoted to cocaine. gotta declare that shit

Prescriptions? According to a man who calls himself a doctor of medicine he’s the healthiest man to ever run for President. If there’s anything he’s “on” it’s liquid bootstraps, stars and bars vitamins and snorted ground eagle beaks.

Giuliani - “Oh! And I need one hat that says “Make Mexico Great Again” also, in white.”

O god now I really need one of those Stranger Things Christmas Light Memes saying Fuck the Police.

Do they not have Orange is the New Black on Netflix Canada???

¡Muy Am-bien!

Whoa! What have you got against cheap wine?

I understand where you’re coming from, you vehemently disagree with Trumps policies and general treatment of people. But he is still a human being. Let me phrase it this way. What you say if someone commented on a similar article about Hilary Clinton meeting with someone in Mexico and said “If there ever was time for

This case was not an outlier for Persky.