
I haven’t thought about the Stinkface in years!

The article where Caity eats TGI Friday’s unlimited mozzarella sticks is hands down my favorite. I read it when I’m depressed and need a laugh. It never fails to perk me up.

Lindy’s weird food reviews.

Lindy’s movie reviews - I can’t think of specifics but they were brutal and hilarious.

Hi, gals and guys. #NotAllYzerman here. I’ve commented a time or two over at Gawker. Looks like I’m gonna be moving over here, and I have to say, I love what you’ve done with the place. Smells like a delightful mix of sarcasm and tasty burritos. Brought you some cookies, hope to talk to you some more.

I have a feeling that Ryan Lochte is that one friend your parents warned you about. It is SO that guy that causes all the damn trouble and *POOF* he’s gone and you are stuck with the wine coolers when the cops show up.

I know. Smh over the sheer number of people leaping to defend a bunch of idiot frat boys trashing a business in a developing country for shits and giggles. Privilege in action, folks

They’ve certainly got a type.

Someone on Twitter referred to him as “Swim Shady” which is so brilliant, and I hope it catches on.

Who among us hasn’t gotten drunk and caused a minor international incident?

I wish someone would try to make us great again.

First thought: Snoop sure likes cannoli.

Mine tend to be more dickish than bitchy. Like, “Imma push this thing off the counter, because I can, & it amuses me to do so” or, “Of course I’m smacking the Cub’s tail w/my paw; it’s right in reach when he walks by.” It’s not a grouchy, aggro-type ‘tude so much as a dedicated egocentric hedonism.

Random story time: I rescued my cat from a really horrible home. I came in the house and she and her brother were crouched under a kitchen table literally surrounded by 7 or 8 dogs, who were snapping and barking at them, nowhere to go. They were infested with fleas and her ear mites were so bad that I thought she was

Dear lord you took the words right out of my mouth. Wtf do you say to someone who just got dumped, lost a job, or is going through the shitstorm called life! You can’t be fucking happy unless you also know sadness, it’s the universal law.

Saaaaaame. I remember staying home from school once a month in junior high and actually puking from cramp pain. It ebbed a little by the time I got to high school, but birth control has made it altogether manageable.

Love how she has a FASHION sponsor! As a larger lady, I am all about this. She rocks. I also like her crazy socks and patterned knee things when she competes. Totally fun.

I wish! From the time I got my period (12) until I went on hormonal bc (21), my periods were a NIGHTMARE: vaginismus and very heavy bleeding at the beginning—in school, I could not be on time for back-to-back classes because I had to change out both my tampon and the back-up pad (because I always needed both). The

I’ve been thinking about “Nineteen Eighty-Four” this week too.