
Actually, yes. This is weird though, I didn’t think we’d find out like this.

Trump’s VP pick gave me my first occasion to ever use a poop emoji.

I know we want Elizabeth to stay in the Senate but the selfish fan girling part of me would really like to see her on the ticket.

I’m just here to show off my poison type catch.

This thread is worrying me. Does having a relationship mean you have to stop drinking? Because if so, I choose wine.

I suppose from the other comments on this post that this is the wrong place to mention that the Mrs. and I are celebrating our 25th anniversary this week.

Jenkins also reportedly asked the crowd to “raise your hand if you believe in science,” to which they responded with boos. Nice!

Amazing how we’ve been using them for years in Canada, eh? Hopefully they get them working better for everyone.

Everyone has given up. Even Captain America.

Watching Melania’s speech last night, that she plagiarized from Michelle Obama’s 2008 speech, made me realize Trump is right: immigrants are stealing work from hard working Americans. (I stole this joke too, in the spirit of Melania).

Obama said “yeah I did it, I had permission” so yeah I tend to respect when someone can recognize what they did and own that shit, which so far the Trump campaign has been unwilling to do on ANY of their bullshit. Fuck you, whiny ass brat.

There is, however, some kind of schadenfreude in watching Republicans cheer the words of Michelle Obama.

A week ago I could give a shit less about Taylor Swift, but for some reason the katy/calvin /swift twitter feud and now this ? She has my attention because it’s all so hilarious how cultivated her persona has been for years and now.... lol I got kettle corn , does that work?

...a secret mean girl??

I thought he was some weird Heat/Snow Miser combo.

With American civil liberty now on life support, you couldn’t really expect Newt to remain faithful to it.

If you think the world has never been worse than it is today, you really should pick up a history book. Horrible stuff happens, but there is a sense of fatalism that is promoted simply because now we hear about EVERY shitty thing that happens across the globe.

He can’t handle the Ruth.

I’m disabled!

I think Dorothy was a founding member of Stars of the Lid, but left early due to creative differences.