
Not sure about Rose though.

my boss and i are in a long standing fight because she didnt automatically know which golden girl i am (dorothy) so how can she even claim to know me at all????

1. The dialog is fast-paced and quick-witted. What we liked about it as kids is enhanced because we now pick up on the more subtle digs and innuendo.

Now playing

I thought we all agreed that there was only one remake we needed.

The issue seems to be he’s not changing cereals for the second bowl. That’s just how it’s done.

the pit of Sarlacc.

if I remember correctly, it actually has a lot of fiber (15% of your daily intake or something), which will help to keep you feeling full.

And plus Michigan roads are so shitty that no one could invade without breaking down. Can’t lose!

Far be it from me to criticize how anyone welcomes their children in to this world but I thought you only get 1 shower which is where you also do the reveal? Is the gender party another party? At baby 4 maybe a fun video involving kids 1-3 posted/emailed to friends/fam/fans may be more appropriate? This baby thing is

I don’t know how that started but it’s so strange. I’d love it if they made it funny. “The baby is now the size of Kim Kardashian’s engagement ring (the third one)” “The baby is now the size of one of those yankee candles you buy you mom every year for Christmas” “the baby is now the size of Jupiter or at least it

“Why didn’t you post sooner??”

Hahaha, I don’t know how to do mom small-talk either, and I am one! Pregnancy sucks (for me, anyway) so I have started saying “How are you feeling?” with a tone that implies it’s OK to respond with “GOD AWFUL.” and they seem thankful.

Yea and how you’re forced to have the same convo again and again. “Are you excited” “Omg so excited! Chubby cheeks and little shoes! I love them already!” and God forbid you say “not yet, I’m actually terrified and don’t feel any emotional connection yet”. It’s not so much being pregnant in public as being forced to

Most of my relatives are unrefined whites

That’s right. I grew up in the U.P. People generally think Michigan is just Detroit and some land where nothing happens. While probably not far from the truth, what people don’t realize is that the northern half of the L.P. and the entire U.P. is filled with insane, racist, gun nut hunters living in the woods just wait

I wouldn’t want to be the one telling pats and pats fan that they have the Jets color scheme now.

Ain’t no party like a Liz Lemon party because a Liz Lemon party is MANDATORY.

Yeah the coherent narrative is not a thing here.

I worked at an dementia-care community for 6 years, helping people eat, changing their diapers, reminding them where their room was and just being a social companion when family was unable to visit. Many of the people I worked with barely talked or talked gibberish, but every now and again in these unplanned,

Because after 2016, there won’t be anyone nice left.