
I would urge our progressive friends here in the states to not to put too much weight into drawing direct metaphoric lines from Brexit to the U.S.’s situation with Trump. Yes, some elements of nativism and xenophobia ring similar, but there are tremendous differences as well.

According to Wikipedia, one of Sean Penn’s body doubles was arrested because they thought he was this guy.

He’s got a huge talent!

They’re not throwing away their shot!

Why am I not surprised that Tammy Duckworth is, again, being a total badass?

Yeah, it seemed really sincere and mature. Kind of refreshing, as far as celebrity apologies go and all.

The roommates at 35 was concerning but understanding. The minivan thing made no sense. We need answers there. Does he have kids? Why does the have a roommate if he has kids?

“Unsolved Mysteries” both entranced and terrified me as a child.

How can I give this negative stars?

Yes. By winning game one, they had the win they needed in Indiana and we’re able to avoid a game seven there when they won game six at home.

Now playing

I’m sure everyone’s seen it, but it’s still my favorite.

This dirt bag needs a brain bleach chaser:

When the Palin’s get loaded on percocet and whiskey sours and start a brawl with the log cabin Republicans, please film the goddamn fight in LANDSCAPE mode Joanna.

After all my partying last night, im pulling a Steph curry & not showing up to work.

Where The Defiled Things Are

Into not hating people?

I was there!

You just made me so sad I’ll never see Katherine Hepburn’s twitter feed. I bet she’d have a solid IG, too.

I could see her maybe having had one for charity work. Her account would have only followed charities and not really any other celebrities. Or maybe one that her publicist had set up that only was used to promote her work and she never actually tweeted on. Either way, her feed would be very boring. Definitely would