
I grew up in a very tiny midwest farming town and we always used cottage cheese in our lasagna. Our grocery store didn’t sell ricotta, and it still doesn’t (I know this because my mom still makes that cottage cheese lasagna, and I had asked her why she hadn’t tried switching to ricotta). I actually had no idea what

I like this idea.

There’s also an island full of Americans who have not had electricity for nearly five months. But yeah, let’s go ahead and just throw a grossly expensive parade that serves zero purpose.

I can’t find the tweet now, but as the SOTU was going on one of my political follows mentioned that #sotu and #stfu were trending basically at the same rate.

I’m 30. I went to a very small school (midwestern farm town) and still had two guys in my class named Gary. There were around 50 people in my graduating class.

One of my best friends got married a couple years ago and the best man decided to just wing his speech. Not only was it a garbled, embarrassing five-minute mess, but he suddenly decided to tell a story about how he shit his pants as a teenager at the groom’s house.

On that thought: have you ever tried putting mustard on a grilled cheese sandwich? A few years go I gave it a shot after realizing how much I liked mustard on a grilled ham and cheese. Now I won’t make a grilled cheese without mustard.

I have a soft spot for black cats (I have two girls!) and I love seeing cats in sweaters! *high-pitched squealing*

This was my first thought as well. It’s my silver lining right now.

I’m not even giving it a full week. Friday at the very latest.

I saw several people mention a tweet that showed that Colin Kaepernick is about the same height and weighs nearly as much as they claim Trump does. They’re clearly forgetting muscle weighs quite a bit more than fat. It’s not just a little difference.

I feel that way about every cherry flavored candy....except Skittles and Starburst.

I think it was eight. I say this because last year I was trying very hard to get myself to like plain almonds as a healthier snack option at work (I grew up hating all nuts, even the non-nut peanut). When I saw Obama ate X-number of almonds, I made it my daily late morning snack and challenge. It worked: I now really

I like where your head’s at.

The Guardian US frequently displays curse words, including the f-word. I see it so often that I’ve spent the last 18 hours or so baffled that people are shocked to see “shithole” in an article.

I knew a Swedish family who moved here, but that’s because they wanted their teenage children to experience their mother’s home country (Dad was an exchange student at my high school in the 70s, and married a woman from my hometown). I think that out of the four kids two of them have since moved back to Sweden.

I’ve known two who came here for college...but then they immediately hustled their butts back to Norway as soon as those degrees were finished.

The Ironstache—Randy Bryce—said it best himself in his latest campaign ad.

I have heard so many people say to make it Saturday. Do you want even lower voter turnouts? That’s how you’d get even lower voter turnouts. People want—and NEED!—to be busy doing other things on Saturdays.

Secure a venue? It’s already set in stone: it’s a Trump property, no question.