
I can’t tell you how many people I’ve heard of who believe they are supposed to just leave all their trash at their seat when a movie is done because there are people paid to clean it up in between shows.

I donate a dollar or two to the library each time I go in and have change (they have a spare change donation bucket near the door). I think it’s an amazing service for the community and try to do my part to help them stay afloat.

I like the cut of your gib. If I find a turkey dinner on a menu I don’t need to glance at the rest of it. I know what I’m ordering.

I didn’t realize it until someone below mentioned it: I always get the same thing at fast food restaurants (Turkey Tom at Jimmy John’s, double cheeseburger at Burger King, chicken quesadilla and soft taco at Taco Bell, etc), but when it comes to anything that doesn’t have a drive thru, I really don’t have any

I also wanted to avoid that, so I’m renting it from the library.

Do what I did! I’m renting it from my local library. A couple days of that face in my house tops. I’ll keep it face down when not in use, then wipe that surface with bleach once it leaves my apartment.

The fact that they’re now trying to prevent the book from being released speaks volumes. There may be lies in there, but now we know there are truths.

Seriously, this explains why he has zero friends.

Have two black cats, can confirm.

If you would have added “Such a horrid mood that I had to drink whiskey and cry for for a bit Tuesday night”, you would have taken all of the words right out of my mouth.

A nice wine shop near my house has a high-end deli attached to it, which makes things like cold quinoa salads and individual pot pies and brisket burritos. On occasion they’ll have scotch eggs. My boyfriend says my eyes light up like a child on Christmas morning every time they’re available.

It was my junior year of college, which would mean it was the year I got a job at a sports bar. However, at that point in time I was so desperate for some extra income that I had told the managers of this brand new restaurant that I wanted to be a waitress but really I would do anything but wash dishes. They ended up

I sure hope so.

I like it because I don’t know how it is pronounced, so my brain interprets it as “Swearing In”, which seems appropriate for a lawmaker. /shrugs

Yes, plz.

From the Hill:

Agreed on all counts, but we still could get a little something.

It’s been awhile since you made this comment and you may have heard this by now, but in case you haven’t: this was on the Guardian yesterday.

When I read yesterday that an allegation against a powerhouse in the hospitality industry was coming, I told my boyfriend I’d bet $20 it was Bobby Flay (thankfully for me, he did not take that bet).

It’s coming for youuuu...