
You are not the only one who read it like that. I think I read that because it’s been...common, for lack of better word...that suddenly a couple dozen people will come forward after one person speaks out. We’re starting to expect the opening floodgates.

I’m eating over here!

I suspect with the fact there’s photographic proof and his statement, not a ton new information will come out of it. Maybe it’ll bring out other victims. It certainly wouldn’t be like an investigation into Roy Moore, though, a man who is denying all of it.

From the Guardian:

And yet, actual Fox News polls do not come out in his favor!

I used to work at a TGIFriday’s. We had a couple of regulars—a mother and her pre-teen daughter—who came in all the time and always ordered the same thing: chicken tenders with fries. They would ask for six ranch cups each.

...T-the guy in the lower left.

While Donny Jr. will go on and on about how liberals are flushing this country down the toilet, I find Flynn Jr.’s much more brazen ways to be incredibly grating.

This is what my company does. There are a lot of men, but they strangely get really pumped to make their famous meatballs or hot German potato salad. It’s kind of adorable.

This is everything.

I was very relieved to see Schur say, “I messed up that thing and I apologize.” It definitely would have been better for him to not bring Louis back, but owning up to your mistake without deflecting to something else is something we definitely do not see enough right now. Thank you for that, Schur.

Seriously. When the Louis CK story was released and had confirmation that rumors were true, I wasn’t even finished with the first section before I thought, “Who’s next?”

Seriously. Go look at every political poll. You will find that there is 32-38% who is in support of Trump in some way, like that they find him truthful or are in support of how his presidency is going so far. This is his base. This is how many people supported him before he became president, and this number has barely

I had only local elections to vote for (and most of them were for millages) but I even felt incredibly optimistic after learning my city overwhelmingly voted to increase the millage for the public school system. With our nation’s public schools under attack lately it was just so nice to see that so many people wanted

I have had sooooo many people tell me this, including my peers (and twice by my best friend but phrased “Love seems to happen when you’re not looking for it. It’ll happen someday.”).

I know this is a late response but I want to chime in on two of these:

My mom told me to never tell a guy about any of my political views (even things like supporting gay marriage) because it drastically limited the dating pool.

I worked at a bar about a decade ago. My male boss absolutely loved a drink with a rather feminine reputation (I cannot remember exactly what it was right now), but he was so afraid of people making fun of him that we had to make it in a rocks glass and muddle the cherry garnish.

Why is this the first time I’ve seen this glorious comic?!

Regular Digiorno is fine, but their Thin and Crispy line is amazing. It is my go-to frozen pizza.