
I grew up in an area where very few people were religious, and even fewer of them were Catholic (I literally only knew one Catholic family in my hometown, and I knew everybody). However, I moved to an area that is very religious, most commonly belonging to “Reformed” churches. I literally have a tab open right now for

When Donald tweets something then gets his arse handed to him by another tweeter, I always make a point to look at how many more likes and retweets the arse-handing tweet got than his. It’s a small comfort in these dark days.

Wish I would have had the state of mind to have a witty comeback like that. I was just so stunned that I tripped over my words.

Your ETA just reminded’s not as awful as other stories around here, but it definitely changed my view of this relative:

I also have a sneaky suspicion that he also admires that companies are taking advantage of a situation where people will do anything to get more of their product. Guaranteed return customers! Huge revenue! Smart! He likes companies that are smart!

Seriously. I have a key to get into my building, a key to get into my apartment, a mail key, a key to get into my boyfriend’s apartment, a car key, a key to get into work after hours, a key to my parents’ house, and a key to get into my Uncle’s house because I frequently watch his cats and house when he’s on vacation.

No actor has stirred my soul with mere words more than Capaldi. He can deliver.

Where I grew up, no one talked about who they voted for. We know they voted, we saw them vote (it was a town of less than 1,000 people), but no one talked about it. No signs in the yards, no discussions around morning coffee, nothing. The first time I ever heard an adult from my hometown actively confess to who they

...that you’ve unregistered in person at your previous place of residence, after 90 days of living in the new location, using two forms of government-issued ID, and during the two hours a week they allow people to do so.

This whole situation is an abomination, obviously, but I admit this part stuck out to me. Who cares that the paper towels are soft? I have never once used a paper towel or a paper napkin and went “Aww, man. I wish this was softer.” That’s just not something I’d ever use to describe a paper towel. Why is that the word

I am staunchly #teamblackcoffee, but I think you just changed my life with this wonderful information.

See, I’ve been wondering this about Riesens, but they’re so delicious I can’t figure out why BIG DENTAL would spend their time making something so tasty. More filling rip-outs, I guess? Make you want to consume more and get cavities as a result?

There’s that, but I have the sneaky suspicion that the words “This will be his Katrina” made their way to him, and when he threw a tantrum about it his people were like, “Look! Calm down! Uh, LOTS more people died in Katrina! Like, over 1,000! You’re doing great!” to calm him down. Then he decided to run with it to

There’s now coffee all over my desk. Thanks.

I tend not to regret too many things, but I regret not taking the first-cat-of-my-adult-life’s brother at the same time. They were twin little black kittens, but I could only afford to take care of one cat at the time. I made up for it by adopting a sister for the first cat—also black—as soon as I could afford to do

I actually said “You’ve got to be freakin’ kidding me” out loud at work when I read that. HOW?!

My first cat had sudden kidney failure. When they were ending her suffering she purred so loudly you could hear it across the room. She hadn’t purred in 13 years. She just wanted to thank my parents for a good life, I’m sure of it.

Oh god.

One of my cats also has a grain allergy, but her allergy makes her have rectal bleeding. I can’t not do grain-free. :(