Lily’s eyes! Gorgeous! Those huge, bright eyes are a big part of the reason I love black cats so much. (I have two. The last one I almost named Lily!)
Lily’s eyes! Gorgeous! Those huge, bright eyes are a big part of the reason I love black cats so much. (I have two. The last one I almost named Lily!)
I saw a tweet yesterday that the arena where Trump held the rally can only hold 7,000 people. Ohio is “small”, but there’s no way 7,000 people would break a record (and it likely wasn’t at capacity, anyway).
I had seriously just pushed my chair out so I could go grab my salad for lunch but wanted to read one last post and this is the one I saw. Thanks for immediately slaughtering my appetite.
I thank you dearly for this mental image. It is beautiful.
You are far from the only one.
I just noticed you said they’ll put it between the shoulder blades this time and I then realized you said it was in his neck. I’ve only ever heard of it being between the shoulder blades!
I figured it was possible—last year I had a piece of graphite I jammed in my hand years ago find a way to wiggle out—but I personally had never heard of it in my 4 years of working in a cat shelter. The body rejecting foreign objects is why you sometimes hear those horror stories of teeth coming out of people’s feet…
It’s actually not super easy to scan these chips anyway, thin creature or not. They can take a bit of effort. It is possible that his fat may be impeding with the scanning (I’ve seen if where you can’t read similar chips through stacks of paper). It may also be “lost”: they’re very tiny and can be hard to locate. As…
I read on the Guardian that one of the fashion houses Colette worked with is in talks to buy the property.
I read a quote this morning in some publication that said, “Don Jr. is why Nigerian email scanners keep trying their luck.”
There was actually a thread of comments to that tweet asking for his Venmo account so they could send him money to buy drinks.
I have zero faith in this man. He talks a big talk, but never once has he come through on it.
This was my first thought. He, and everyone around him, can cry about how Hillary never released HER emails, but HE did. Just see how much they love this country? They’re willing to show their hand when the bluff has been called? Unlike her?!
In the comments on the “Fredos nestled inside Fredos”, someone mentioned he was the “Alpha Fredo”.
I usually only have two cups of coffee a day, but as you just reminded me that Mormons can’t have coffee, I’m about to go have a third just so I can revel in its tastiness. They’re missing out, I tell you.
I think you’re right about this and it makes feel a lot better. Thank you for tempering my high blood pressure today.
I work at a pretty small office, but I am the only person who goes to lunch later than 12:30. I usually eat lunch around 2.
I find that I am far less likely to get hungover in situations where it’s big and exciting, like weddings or vacations. I feel like I must psych myself up, and it prepares for the onslaught of alcohol to my system.
Oh, definitely.
Oh, I definitely want it to be safe! It’s just that short people often the short end of the stick and the repeated adjustments we have to make because of it wear on you after awhile. I want it to be safe, but it’s exhausting.