
I originally read that not as hulks, but hunks, and I very nearly lost my lunch.

I’m an American, but have heard amazing things about the NHS and related services for years...and yet, seeing that your cancer was removed for £16 just blows my damn mind.

I also like that the first item is “GETTING GOVERNMENT OUT OF THE WAY” but the second is “TAKING EXECUTIVE ACTION”.

Gotta hand it to them: they do know how to insult, the Scottish people.

I’m not from the UK, but I want to add the Cambridge sign from this tweet:

This is off-topic, but my boyfriend will just down a handful of raw chopped onions when he’s prepping for dinner and I do not understand how he can do that.

I totally forgot about this book until just now! I loved it so much.

I originally read that not as “hernia surgeon” but as “hernia garden”.

When I said the Library of Congress was archiving all tweets, I meant all. Every single tweet sent by every single person ever.

Oh, that’s definitely the problem. I’m just saying that his excuse stems from his well-known desire to be popular and listened to by as many people (and bots) as possible. I’m sure there are other seedy reasons, but that’s the one he has made public.

Trump (or maybe someone from his crew; could be Spicer) had said he just had too many followers on the private account to leave it.

My dad is very stereotypical Midwestern American Dad—meat and potatoes, enjoys mowing the lawn, has to watch the evening news every single night—and the man handles spice like an Englishman.

I mentioned to a casual friend a couple weeks ago that my new beau—we met around the new year—sees me in sweats and a ponytail literally every night we stay in, and has since Week 3.

Haha, probably! I didn’t even think about that, but that may be because I am fully embracing my Cat Lady-ness with no effs given.

My girlfriends stopped giving Christmas gifts as well, but we did replace it a bit: we buy two Christmas ornaments—one silly and one serious—and do Cut-Throat Christmas with it. It’s cheap and a whole lotta fun (especially when you’re three or four glasses of mulled wine deep).

My 30th birthday is coming up, and I may just yoink this idea from you, but for cat litter and paper towels and detergent (I volunteer at a cat shelter).

This. Is. Insane.

I live in Michigan and this was a staple of every wedding I attended until the last couple years (and I have still seen it at a handful of them).

You get a star for “Great googly moogly”. I’m so glad I’m not the only one saying it these days.

The last three weddings I’ve attended have had a year’s supply of coffee beans on their registry. You’ve got the right idea, I think.