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This one briefly made me debate my child free status. Briefly.

Forget videos of officers playing a game of basketball with “city youths” or pretending to pull black people over but handing them ice cream, this is how you build community trust and put skin in the game.

He’s more than a creeper. The first victim was a college student who asked him for advice via email, wondering if she should major in Political Science or History as a segway in to politics. His “advice” was a dic pic. His own staff says he was violent and awful, often throwing furniture around, having one of the

Did anybody else read the headline and think to self “That sounds exactly like something Hugh Grant would say” …?

1) John Ramsey is still alive; 2) Dr. Phil and the Ramsey family have at least one lawyer in common. That Dr. Phil interview was set up by Burke’s lawyers and the questions were most likely approved by said lawyer.

These little punks can fuck right off with their imaginary nonsense.

Its the pictures. Hundreds of pageant pictures.

Highly recommend James Kolar’s Foreign Faction, which goes more in depth into the physical evidence as well as the inconsistencies in the Ramseys’ statements.

is this gonna be like a ben affleck thing where brad goes and lives in george clooney’s pool house for a few months because

Tiffany Trump, because someone has to take the picture.

It’s really got to be hard to be your father’s second choice for a date.

Charlie Sheen is the name that has repeatedly come up over the years in reference to this.

I don’t think this guy gives a shit about his credit. I’m not trying to be contrary here, you’re right about all of that, but putting a lien on an empty bank account, garnishing wages that don’t exist, and ruining already terrible credit isn’t going to have a big effect.

Oh, I get all that, but if you’re broke af because you’re a junkie and that’s not likely to change, the net effect on your life is negligible.

Someone who doesn’t have any money.

finally i’ve found myself with this one acronym

This sounds fake. Why does a sister need to be the maid or matron of honor anyway? It seems like the perfect situation to have a friend in the role or just forgo having attendants completely.

From How to Keep Safe from Swooping Magpies

Well, it’s officially ‘Swooping Season’ where I live...